Rossie New member Jul 14, 2009 #1 Murphy's Oil Soap and BirchWoodThru Oil Hi guys, Was wondering where to get the above two items in sg... Asked Hock Ann, they only have the wax but no thru oil... Would greatly appreciate the help! Thanks! Last edited: Jul 14, 2009
Murphy's Oil Soap and BirchWoodThru Oil Hi guys, Was wondering where to get the above two items in sg... Asked Hock Ann, they only have the wax but no thru oil... Would greatly appreciate the help! Thanks!
S ShredCow New member Jul 14, 2009 #2 Tru Oil is a gunstock oil. I doubt you can find it in Singapore. It is flammable too so shipping is finicky... of course, if you know how to go about it, you can still get it.
Tru Oil is a gunstock oil. I doubt you can find it in Singapore. It is flammable too so shipping is finicky... of course, if you know how to go about it, you can still get it.
Rossie New member Jul 15, 2009 #3 Yeah, thought so too... Asked BirchWood Casey whether they can ship it over, but they can't due to the reason you stated... Any idea where can I get the oil soap? It should look something like this: BTW, murphy's oil soap is used to clean wood surfaces...
Yeah, thought so too... Asked BirchWood Casey whether they can ship it over, but they can't due to the reason you stated... Any idea where can I get the oil soap? It should look something like this: BTW, murphy's oil soap is used to clean wood surfaces...
S ShredCow New member Jul 15, 2009 #4 PM-ed you about the TRUth! Why do you need the oil soap? Naptha can do, ya?