MTD basses anyone?


MTD basses now available @ Davis, List: starting at @$995...

i tried this Kingston model (below)- very fat sounding, lots of slap potential, a worthy competitor to MMs... 8)

kreed said:
wow..mtd at exin can relieve his gas!! but what series do they have there?

WAH!!!!! .. sick .. finally they started to bring in some good stuff .. hahaha . i'm dropping by davis soon man ..

the kingstons are nice .. MTD are famous for their slap tone .. goodness .. *droooools* ... named after the place where the MTD factory is located .. or at least where Michael Tobias lives lah ..

i hope they have a 5-string version of it .. they better do .. =P
cool! :)

thanks for the heads up... will definitely go down to try. heh.. guys, ask if bulk purchase have discount?
DarkRed said:
ask if bulk purchase have discount?

this will work better for online purchases...

i'm tempted to get one myself- have not bought any guitars this year end, might revert the funds to a bass instead... decisions, decisions...
I have one of those the checkoslovakia made ones before the shifted the factory to korea, superb built bass darn good for slapping n funk ..n can do other styles v well
Thats the 6000th Whopper by Subversion ladies and gents :)

I saw the basses thru the glass display. Looks nice. Would be nicer to be able to try it in the shop though. Didn't wanna ask them to sift through the rummage to get to the basses just for me to taste.

I saw a 5 stringer (2 soapbars), 5 string maple (MM humbucker), 4 string (MM) and 4 string (dual soapbar). And another one if i recall but cant remember. Have fun!

The Groove Shoppe is selling these for USD999 excluding shipping (free shipping in the US)! Major GAS 8O
Had a chance to try out the Z-4 model with wood covered pups. Was pretty impress on it's playablilty and was setup well with low action, considering it was Korean made and at a fraction of the price for a US made one (S$1600). Finishing is very nice and has separate compartment for the battery.

Got it hooked up to an Ampeg BA112 amp. The pre-amp with 3 band EQ and active pups are decent and versatile in delivering a wide range of sound with a good tone.

