MTD basses anyone?

The finish looks really cheap and the neck joints horrible. Let's hope they don't do anything to their mid and higher range models.
Had the heir 5 a couple of years back; good bass, regret selling it off. Any fretless heirs available at Davis?
Not last I saw, on saturday. But ooo...look at the pic again, is that the Sadowsky booth next door? That's unfair comparative advertising. Like opening Chery QQ showroom next to Bentley.
wah .. seriously man .. blasphemous designs for MTD .. what is michael thinking!!??!

it looks like some cheap copy if the logo wasn't there ...
I'm reviving this section with a short review of the Zephry 5 or Z-5 i tried at Davis a week ago.

I was checking out Maestro and while walking past davis i saw the beautiful burl maple top Z-5 sitting pretty at the window display. So being the inquistive bass person i usually am ... i went in to ask to try the Z-5, feeling exciting because i've been eyeing the bass for quite a while

The store guy nicely took it off it's tight compartment and left it in my hands while he set the amp up. It wasn't too heavy, lighter than my BBN5A certainly and the neck felt really well done.

Getting it up wasn't tough, the neck was an asymmetrical design and it felt comfortable, but wide. The action was superb, couldn't ask for a better action and feel. MTD's ingenius zero fret technology. It was in tune, except for the low B that was a little out. Felt very comfortable on my lap and in my hands

The tone wasn't fantastic, honestly, i think Michael Tobias put some cheap preamp inside there, the slap tone wasn't the classic MTD slap tone you'll hear from the American series basses ... and here's something i'm going to whack Michael Tobias on ...

THE LOW B STRING WAS SO FLOBBY AND WEAK. Yes, if you read it, it's FLOBBY spelt with a B .. it's floppy beyond description ...

the tone that came out from a 35" was seriously disappointing, it sounded muddy, weak and no foundation at all. Sounded like something TGM would build.

i've lost faith in MTD's mid range products ...