Mr Brown Column suspended.

problem is, its not tt easy to go n juz do smth abt it...i'm sure ppl have tried...juz tt no one noticed...or perhaps they were silenced to fast...lolz...

not siding anyone. but do think it over, instead of just blurting out.

if mr brown wishes to rebutt k bhavani's reply, he is free to do so. point for point. his blog will be convenient for him to do so. to publish in the print media would mean a questioning of MDA's licensing to the paper. which was prb why k bhavani's words were so harsh.

"today" decision to kill off his column was prb a reaction by the editors, and not by any political leaders. from a public pov, i think most ppl would see it as an overreaction. i see it as that too, but it would be better if we had an objective chronology of events to make a better assessment.

and all this things about saying that the govt/pap is bad etc etc...

i) didn't we shoot ourselves in the foot when we voted for them, despite our analyses?

ii) if this was a dictatorship, will we still be even in this forum posting at all?
so maybe TODAY just got a little scared of offending the government and that would revoke the licence to publish a newspaper. makes no sense though when they're not really competing with any other publishing company..

i don't think we're a dictatorship, that's a tad too extreme, but we definitely don't have the same democratic rights as other countries. for better or for worse though?
soft said:
if you feel strongly about certain issue, go and do something about it. the mass media must not be abused by people who remain Anonymous and have agenda that is for his own purpose.

it is easy to stir up emotion and play the underdog.

it's sad to say that there is noting much you can do about it, unless you wanna sacrifice your life, and the lifes of perhaps the people around you. salute our hero (or martyr) dr chee soon juan
soft said:
if you feel strongly about certain issue, go and do something about it. the mass media must not be abused by people who remain Anonymous and have agenda that is for his own purpose.

it is easy to stir up emotion and play the underdog.

If you meant MrBrown, he isn't anonymous. He has always been known as Lee Kin Mun.

The mass media is made for use by the government - just look at the ST article on MrBrown where Cherian George is -grossly- misquoted (meaning taken out of context) to justify MICA's response.

"Media academic Cherian George said the Government statement is drawing a clear line between alternative niche media and mainstream media.

This is because newspapers have been trying to up their hip quotient by co-opting aspects of online culture, including celebrity bloggers.

'Just because it is tolerated online does not mean it is acceptable to give the same individual the same status in a more public platform,' he said."
refering to Thor666's post and Cherian George's quotations, yeahhh.. i agree that Mr Brown is not a representative of the journalistic media, and the media has certain responsibilities to fulfil to the public, but what i don't really understand is why the newspaper published the column and then suspend it? if they were supposed to be so dictorial, wouldn't they have pulled the plug on such a risque move before they published it? unless its to give them a reason to lah..

anyhow, does Mr Brown's suspension from the columns really affect our freedom of speech? aren't what we are doing now, expressing our views, our so-called distastes on a public forum? perhaps by taking it off, it has jolted more of us to sit up and take more notice or even spur some of us into actual lobbying for more freedom to speak? whether it is the popular opinion or not now. the rights of homosexuals and women were all fought long and hard, since we're not going to take our country over by force (like the 1700s).
while we all wish to be best in everything, there is always a trade-off. most important is the balance. are we happy with the balance? if not, what would the imbalance trigger?
Some afterthoughts.

I agree that there is a tradeoff.
I agree that there are extremists.
I agree MrBrown is being rather scarastic and cynical.
I agree that we should not expect to overthrow the government as some internauts mentioned. People are going to suffer.

I disagree that this pertains to the integrity of the government. Our PM has said that our society should be more open.
I disagree that MrBrown's article distorts the truth. Partially yes, but there is an element of truth in it. Why would people react otherwise?
I disagree that MICA has the right to character assassinate. Surely some other measure could have been taken. Why not set up a committee to look into how to lower the costs of living? Why not invite MrBrown to find solutions?

We can't wait for change to change us. Neither can the government afford to do so. Perhaps there should be a fundamental change of mindset.

Meanwhile, don't take the government to be responsible for everything. Li Ao once mentioned a story on a Singaporean, a Hongkonger and a Taiwanese stuck in an island.
- The Singaporean was lost because there was no government.
- The Hongkonger didn't care less because the government was always changing anyway.
- The Taiwanese was really happy. Without the government interference and taxation, he set up a hotel and toilet to charge the Singaporean and Hongkonger.
super_punk said:
nemind... at least we live in a safe environment right???? right????

public safety isn't something we ought to take for granted. being able to walk orchard road at 12-3 in the morning without being accosted is certainly a luxury. sure singapore's a bit sterile at times, but just sometimes i find arguments about "singapore sucking" very much akin to "the grass is always greener on the other side". of course i do agree there are things particularly wrong and disturbing within our country, and so do many other citizens in their own countries. but despite all our "wayang politics or opposition or media" and all that, we really are leaps and bounds ahead of various political systems that still perhaps chop your hand off when you steal or when a woman is sentenced to death if she gets raped.

my point is, yes.. we do have a long way to go, but in 35 years getting to where we are and actually being able to walk the streets without a curfew and all.. i think our country could use a bit of gratefulness, even as we sort out the kinks within the system.
yes I think Singapore has done very well as a city state from many points of view but one thing i'm really uncomfortable with is that the power of the state is concentrated in the hands of a small group of men who claim to know best for everyone. True but in such a situation corruption can easily take place and there should be room for alternative centres of power to keep that in check. We are talking about checks and balances here. This cannot take place if there is only one centre of power. It seems also to me that this sole centre of power is intolerant of other centres of power rising up. This to me is the crux of the issue.

I used to complain alot about our govt, and now to a lesser extent pertaining to cigarette prices and yellow boxes.

Having been to other countries made me shut up. Other countries meaning Dhaka, the kampungs in phil, talking to the locals, the pits. Not Perth, Canada, States, genting.

We have our good and our bad. It is present in every system. Would you really rather want Bush to lead us? Kim or Saddam?

Do you have food to eat everyday? Do your underage daughters have to sell themselves? Do you worry one day there wont be a roof? Can you speak English? Do you have guitars, cymbals, drums to argue about in here everyday? These things we take for granted. Yes, be grateful. *

So, as a free soul to go anywhere and do anything, why are we scared to do it? Oh hell no I am not defending our govt, but they have provided us safety and jobs. So take advantage of it.

Work 30 years, sell your flat, denounce ur citizenship, collect all ur CPF. migrate! Our currency is somewhat big. Take advantage of it.

* Just read in some other post that some kid got 17 guitars.
Re: Ours

Darren said:
* Just read in some other post that some kid got 17 guitars.

Heheh, if you're talking about sub (that's the only 17 guitar thread I know about) he's got 19 guitars now he's 31 years old or something now with a kid on the way.

Freedom to buy does not equal political freedom. But it's a nice distraction I agree. :wink: