I'm offeneded. I'm an NSF but I'm a very clean person, thank you very much. Obviously, this lady is not using her mind properly. Well, if she wants to propose this, then must as well ban students who finished CCA to ride the bus. Must as well ban the person with the bad body odour.
Can we ban her because of her failure to see that this is PUBLIC transport?
Furthermore. I wonder whether she has any sons. If she has (but not mentioned) then THEY have to serve National Service. Her husband probably have served his own national service. Heck, even GIRLS sign on to be in the army at times. The female canoing captain back in my JC signed on to be a GUARDSwoman, and so did her precessor.
I must admit that, due to the nature of various army activities, we do not exactly smell the best at all times, especially after going through 8 days of outfield straight. But this is part and parcel of army. This is part and parcel of Singaporean life. All Singaporean males have to serve National Service.
And if this woman really wants to enforce this, then ask the government to take away our NSF ez-link concession cards. Give us a taxi concession card instead! When the amount that the taxpayers have to pay for taxi fare comes to a billion, we'll see how many taxpayers would be complaining, asking for the NSFs to take public transport.
Even with our ez-link, we pay full adult fare. We have every right to use the bus or MRT as well. Hey, we're paying full fare. We demand equal rights as those who take the bus, like this lady!