Mother of 2 girls wants ban on NS men in buses

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Oh come guys. This woman just kicked off the big Singaporean "What should we ban next?" contest and she is ahead of all of us.

So what's my idea, hm let's see hm, oh yes yes I know. We should ban taxi drivers from driving with bare feet. If he has sweaty feet he might slip from the break, so it's dangerous ;-)

Who is next?
ah please, school kids smell worse than NSMen. should ban school kids too XD

but seriously, it's called a public bus. if you want a nice odour-free journey, go take the cab.
She asked what she pay the tax for? If she pay tax so saf ppl dun take the bus.
Can we pay the tax so she don't take the bus? :p

Better than asking 1000s to take taxi, she herself should take taxi.
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Cannot let this type of people succeed in imposing any bans. If she can get NS men off the buses. Next she will try it on SMRT, then she will ban Bangladeshis or Native India's Nationals from Taking 147,finally she will try to ban people from Farting or Burping inside a bus,mrt or lift. Pretty stupid, i hope she serves B.M.T and i personally train her by making her do 100 push-ups with my feet pressed behind her back.
I'm offeneded. I'm an NSF but I'm a very clean person, thank you very much. Obviously, this lady is not using her mind properly. Well, if she wants to propose this, then must as well ban students who finished CCA to ride the bus. Must as well ban the person with the bad body odour.
Can we ban her because of her failure to see that this is PUBLIC transport?

Furthermore. I wonder whether she has any sons. If she has (but not mentioned) then THEY have to serve National Service. Her husband probably have served his own national service. Heck, even GIRLS sign on to be in the army at times. The female canoing captain back in my JC signed on to be a GUARDSwoman, and so did her precessor.

I must admit that, due to the nature of various army activities, we do not exactly smell the best at all times, especially after going through 8 days of outfield straight. But this is part and parcel of army. This is part and parcel of Singaporean life. All Singaporean males have to serve National Service.
And if this woman really wants to enforce this, then ask the government to take away our NSF ez-link concession cards. Give us a taxi concession card instead! When the amount that the taxpayers have to pay for taxi fare comes to a billion, we'll see how many taxpayers would be complaining, asking for the NSFs to take public transport.
Even with our ez-link, we pay full adult fare. We have every right to use the bus or MRT as well. Hey, we're paying full fare. We demand equal rights as those who take the bus, like this lady!
I seriously think she failed her history and never read up about War and what will invaders do to women at times of war. Maybe she thinks Singapore is so safe and NSmen is unnecessary. Then she might as well ban NS, unrealistic idiot.
Seriously, I don't think we should expect much from somebody who speaks such incorrigible English.

With that kind of 'reasoning', I really pity her offsprings.
the more i read it the more piss off i am...

There are ppl who are working hard to service and protect the country and here we r having ppl like her..

Damm piss off... :twisted:

what the hell was she thinking man...
That doesn't sound like a woman talking.. To be very frank, it sounds like something I'd write if I wanted to try to throw people off my scent.

The tone and command of the language shown is indicative of a very small boy/hooligan with an internet line paid by his mother (a young girl who would care to write something like that would usually have better command of the language.... or an adult trying to cause problems or trying to bring his/her point across without trying to sound like himself/herself (a.k.a misdirection) because he/she knows a post like this would bring a flaming so bad, his computer could actually burn up if he/she read all the replies at once.

Don't read too much into it.

Posts like these are no brainers. People who support posts like this are a minority so small, you could probably count them with your own fingers. I haven't read the other replies in this thread yet... But I hope someone pointed out the most obvious suspect (I have only read the first post, not even the actual post on stomp because I really can't be bothered). If the obvious suspect is unclear to you, it is the commenter, using the "woman's" post as a platform to push for shuttle buses.

Notice the use of an all female situation.

Alright guys.

Cheers and peace out.
7 weeks to ORD. =)
All Singaporean males have to serve National Service.

Sorry, I know I said I didn't read all the posts but I just had to see the posts prior to mine. Only from page 5 to my post though cause I caught the "I am NSF..." part in theliverevolution's posts.

Yea... So I just have to reply to this...

In case you guys are unaware, the actual 'constitution' states 'all Singaporeans from age 16 (or was it 18 ) need to serve NS.....'. It's not all male citizens. It's ALL citizens. Just thought I'd spread a little info. Of course, I could end up looking like an idiot if it turns out that they have changed it. But yea, I remember it being as above but it could have been changed...
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In case you guys are unaware, the actual 'constitution' states 'all Singaporeans from age 16 (or was it 18 ) need to serve NS.....'. It's not all male citizens. It's ALL citizens.

Lol, seriously its like that? Then they should conscript the girls as well. Seriously. They conscript the males, but if the constitution states all citizens, well, where are the girls?

It kinda sucks that one of my classmates, who is doing the same uni course as i will be doing, is 2 years ahead of me by the time i get back to study. ARGH!!
omg are you serious... she is so mean.........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just downright, plain __ __ T C H.
not happy with NS men protecting the country, OBVIOSULY THEY HAVE TO SWEAT RIGHT. then dont sweat and go army, army fo sisi ah?
At least spore has a army. And we all are sorta a deterence.
Unlike some random woman who complains that our country's heroes are so smelly.
They no time be so nice smelling for her la..
wth. Like that she dont watch national day parade. soooo many soldiers in one area, watch at stadium will die. watch at home still can smell them. -_-"

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