Monster Cables Bass Model


New member
I'm interested in purchasing the above mentioned cable. Does anyone know where in Singapore stocks them? I'm aware that BGW has some, but those are only the models for guitar.

Appreciate the help. Thanks!

Just a 5 cents worth of opinion. I have my own preferences and reasonings.

I think cables are cables. Most cables are made of copper, i'm not sure about Monster but that's the material most of your cables are made of including top brands like Mogami, Canare, Belden etc.

I think spending so much money on a "bass" cable isn't worth it if the materials are the same. People in the industry still rely on the top names for their cabling so at the end of the day if your cable material isn't the same as the "bass" cable down the signal chain, the signal would be lost.

I hope that sheds some light. I'm not an aficionado of "bass" cables or cables that claim to enhance certain frequencies, i just trust top name brands to give the quality they are famed for. I'm currently using Belden cables with Neutrik heads for live and studio use and they have served me very very well.


PS. Anyway to answer your question, from what i know Sinamex use to carry Monster cables. I'm not sure about now. If not you can try Hung Brothers, i think.
Ok, why not read the article here to understand the constructions of the branded cable, and how the sound quality differ using A/B comparison etc.

After reading the article, you may decide to stay on your purchase of Monster Bass cable, or other cheaper alternative. For me, I chose Planet Waves Custom cable for the price/performance reason.

edit: just realized Monster Bass is not one of those tested. But anyhow, there are other Monster cables tested.
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That guitar player article is a bit lame...

"This cord dishes out a slightly smoky flavor, which is great for rockers seeking more buttery tones."

....what does that even mean?!?!

If they were serious about comparing the cables they should have hooked them up to a capacitance meter and made some real measurements. They could have hooked the cables between a signal generator and frequency analyser and plotted some response curves. Subjective opinions could have been reserved for the look and feel side of things.
I'd totally ignore the review, and go straight to the comparison charts found in the article. I agree the description is 'meaningless'.

Just a 5 cents worth of opinion. I have my own preferences and reasonings.

I think cables are cables. Most cables are made of copper, i'm not sure about Monster but that's the material most of your cables are made of including top brands like Mogami, Canare, Belden etc.

I think spending so much money on a "bass" cable isn't worth it if the materials are the same. People in the industry still rely on the top names for their cabling so at the end of the day if your cable material isn't the same as the "bass" cable down the signal chain, the signal would be lost.

I hope that sheds some light. I'm not an aficionado of "bass" cables or cables that claim to enhance certain frequencies, i just trust top name brands to give the quality they are famed for. I'm currently using Belden cables with Neutrik heads for live and studio use and they have served me very very well.


PS. Anyway to answer your question, from what i know Sinamex use to carry Monster cables. I'm not sure about now. If not you can try Hung Brothers, i think.

I don't know if you realise this but you're actually contradicting yourself quite a bit by saying all that. But that's not the point so i'm not gonna harp on it. I have my own reasons for wanting this particular cable, that's why i'm neither requesting opinions on it, nor asking for alternatives.

Appreciate all the input so far!
hmmm, maybe i didn't make myself clear on certain points. I apologize really. I used to have a friend who was crazy over cables, trying all sorts of materials to make instrument cables swearing by the tone of the material etc.

At the end of the day it's your choice of purchase, just thought i could voice my thoughts on this issue. Hope you'll find the cable soon!
Its cool. I understand. :D if i can't find it locally i'll just have it shipped in. Hopefully i won't have to resort to that.
i think cables do make a difference to some extent lah, but it just depends on how high a premium you are willing to pay for it.

some guitarists (and increasingly bassists) run very long fx chains, so the combined cable length becomes an increasingly large factor.

this is not to say that i would buy a monster cable though. by my preference and budget i'd spend it on other stuff instead
monster cables? i used to own 3 monsterbass cables....yes, it did help the signal chain wont help form other damaging factors.

factors like, your drummer rushing out of the studio to answer a call and step on the monster cable and literally rips the jack out from the cable (separating) jack from cable....

absent mindedly leaving your monster bass cable behind after packing up (after a gig) then realisng you left it behind...and the rental company is a friend of yours who repeatedly denies that he did not see your cable......only to discover that after 6 months he is giving away a free monster cable with that victor bailey jazz bass for sale in his shop window.....

i stll have the last monster cable and is not the monster bass one ...its the common one for guitars.....and what do you know....there IS NO difference.....from the monterbass.

as long as its monster cable its good quality....

also, if you are playing loud music....use the money and get 5 mid priced good cables....
I was never much of a believer how much cables made a difference.
For a cost effective Bass Guitar cable, you might want to consider
Klotz - TM. Stevens Funkmaster Cable. You will hear a difference, anyone will hear it.
It is manufactured purely with the bass guitar in mind. Available at Guitar Workshop, Blackwood, Yamaha, and Luther. It wont tear your pocket. Oh, they have short patch cables too from the same Funkmaster series which gives you consistency.