Mixed Blood Softies!!!

whatever man! im learning muay thai also remember?

off to sleep dood.tmr school dont wanna be late.
bros & sis...by speaking of martial arts in this mixed blood thread - do U guys mean U gonna get at each other and mix ur shed blood after the fite? :mrgreen:

ok I donno why I asked that:mad:
hmm.. i wonder if this counts.

Paternal Grandparents: Singaporean/Javanese & Malaysian/Javanese

Maternal Grandparents: Javanese & Javanese/Chinese

im so javanese eventho i speak none of it..

funny thing, during my O'Levels season, the namelist states my race as "Indonesian Extract".. i think. ha
On a serious note, I think I'm pure chinese, but I've been told by 99% of the people I meet that I don't look the part :???:
anyways...what ever race, dialect, colour, creed, nationality or football team we support .... we all bleed the same colour at the end of the day.

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