Mixed Blood Softies!!!

Some 70 millennia ago, both my great-times-don't-know-how-many parents both were Africans.

Then they kept within their own until about 40 millennia, then both of them were pure Asians.

Along the way, my ancestors got a-frolicking with some Portuguese people.

I only got to see for myself my paternal grandmother who was from somewhere in rural Nanjing, China, and my paternal grandfather was from the deep jungles of Banda Islands in Indonesia but I didn't remember a single time with him cos he passed when I was really young.

Both my maternal grandfather were from Java, in Indonesia.

I'm still human, the last time I checked.

Yeah Dime will pwn you with pseudo good looks. take my word for it.

Oh and i am a ang ku kueh. from naoya kueh mixed with coconut.
so many softies with mixed heritage! any spanish here as well? come talk to me!
we learn new things everyday :)

any scadinavians? LOL.
except for you ah blodstyre!

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