N nachthymmen New member May 13, 2008 #222 Doncha know giant hamsters have developed a taste for YOO RAAAY ZHURRRN MEEAATZZZ
fgl Well-known member May 13, 2008 #225 janet.remixed said: bloodless ghost ? Click to expand... I like Janet.remixed avatar
B BadgerS88 New member May 14, 2008 #226 So when is this gathering? BBQ? Drinks? Concert? Free BBQ + Free DRINKS + Free CONCERT = BadgerS is a very very happy boy!
So when is this gathering? BBQ? Drinks? Concert? Free BBQ + Free DRINKS + Free CONCERT = BadgerS is a very very happy boy!
F fidafi New member Jul 22, 2008 #227 Mixed Blood My dad has Chinese and Malay Blood while my mum has Malay, Indonesian and Thai Blood. Which means that I have a mixed of Malay, Chinese, Indonesian and Thai Blood. :-D
Mixed Blood My dad has Chinese and Malay Blood while my mum has Malay, Indonesian and Thai Blood. Which means that I have a mixed of Malay, Chinese, Indonesian and Thai Blood. :-D
vickomaniac New member Jul 22, 2008 #228 whoa first post, and on the mixed blood thread, creating a THREAD REVIVAL!!!! good on ya dude! we mixed blood softies are tough.
whoa first post, and on the mixed blood thread, creating a THREAD REVIVAL!!!! good on ya dude! we mixed blood softies are tough.
tomdelonge182 New member Jul 23, 2008 #231 hey yoyo what am i missing out here? hahah btw my dad i chinese and my mum is Indonesian. so yea yea mix blood got bbq??? wahhh better update me on that bros cheers!
hey yoyo what am i missing out here? hahah btw my dad i chinese and my mum is Indonesian. so yea yea mix blood got bbq??? wahhh better update me on that bros cheers!
F fidafi New member Jul 23, 2008 #232 Mixed Blood vickomaniac said: haha yes. korean/singaporean Click to expand... U mean you have Korean and Singaporean blood? I understand that Korean is a race. Singaporean is not a race but a nationality. Singaporean comprises of a number of races: Chinese, Malay, Indian and so on.
Mixed Blood vickomaniac said: haha yes. korean/singaporean Click to expand... U mean you have Korean and Singaporean blood? I understand that Korean is a race. Singaporean is not a race but a nationality. Singaporean comprises of a number of races: Chinese, Malay, Indian and so on.
vickomaniac New member Jul 23, 2008 #233 sigh. trifle little details. korean/singaporean chinese. happy now, master?
F fidafi New member Jul 23, 2008 #234 vickomaniac said: sigh. trifle little details. korean/singaporean chinese. happy now, master? Click to expand... LOL. CHill man. That's better.
vickomaniac said: sigh. trifle little details. korean/singaporean chinese. happy now, master? Click to expand... LOL. CHill man. That's better.