yes with all due respect, the Japanese Kamikaze targeted military targets as it was during the war and they were defending their country as a last resort.. I don't think any Kamikaze pilots smashed into a public place with innocent people or children to get their point across.
Oh man, don't get me wrong. Nobody in the right mind will be condoning such barbaric acts.
It helps though, to note some differences and recognise the intentions and the strategies involved.
To the kamikaze pilots, they dived into the frigates and warships as part of the military strategy to reduce enemy number and their weapons of destruction, to increase their chances of winning the war.
To these lunatic terrorists of today, the 'enemy' here are not just the soldiers and the military commanders, the enemies are
all the Jews and the Western world, which have historically always sided with the Jews. The annihilation of thousands of 'enemies' in the US and Europe and places where there are large concentrations of 'infidels' like Bali or wherever, is like a small scale Holocaust during World War II. Do you think Hitler cared about whether he was killing women and children?
Nope, he was systematically killing SIX MILLION European Jews, Soviets, Poles, Slavic people, the disabled, gay people and Jehovah's witnesses over six years.
And do you think the Japanese, when they took over Singapore, really spared women, children and the aged? Hell, no. If your grandparents are still alive, and they went through the Japanese occupation - ask them what exactly happened.
So, while we in Singapore feel that we are relatively unaffected, and at the same time fed with propaganda by the media, enjoying fat bonuses and living in luxury and forming generally myopic views about the real situation, people over at Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine are losing their lives, their loved ones, their properties and everything else, on a daily basis.
Not forgetting the thousands of US soldiers, most of them very young, with young families, are getting killed by both the insurgents and by friendly fire. Killed, their young lives cut short just like that.
I myself try to read and understand what is going on but constantly I tell myself I will
NEVER, EVER fully understand what they are going through over the other side of the world. Simply because I don't go through what they are going through. Many of them born into poverty, raised in a hostile environment that is war, some of them desperate to end it all in the slight hope of escaping from the suffering and the pain. While we over hear blink our beady eyes over CNBC and the Net, thinking these fellas must have nothing better to do than to just bomb here bomb there, when in fact people are at war there actually.
Don't worry, I am no apologist. I seek to understand so that I don't just profile anyone or judge anybody who does evil. And a man who seemingly does good doesn't mean he is indeed an angel at all.
Many a times, people resort to hate and violence due to a simple lack of understanding.
It's as simple as that.