Michael Jackson Converts to Islam changes name to mikaeel.


New member
It's not really old news, prolly about 5 weeks ago but nonetheless, it wasn't around here when i googled it up and to my surprise, this news wasn't really brought forward much by the media like the news he got for accused kid molestation and stuff...

Jackson was confirmed a convert of islam in a ceremony held in his friend's mansion in LA with the lead by an imam from the local mosque.


Comments anyone?

for myself, it's great that Mikaeel found something that's close to his personal belief coz thats something not that easy to find.
ok ah... i oso dun noe y he converted.
if he believes in the religion purely,like cats steven does... then its gd la...

but i'm just not sure if he is just 'covering' his acts. we just have to wait and see
I don't know if anyone actually read up on it, but Cat Stevens actually influenced Michael to convert. The breadth of Islam philosophy has attracted many brothers to convert.
dudelove: i dun think its shocking at all.. to me la... coz nobody force a person to convert to any religions. maybe...the question is why he converted... :)
my friend told me about this last wednesday. was kinda sceptical, but it turns out to be true, good for him for embracing islam.
dont u think that because it is not that well reported it means he didn't really want to make a big deal out of it? he could have stuck it in everyone's faces and hold press conferences and et cetera so i believe he is sincere about converting, and that's good for him.

i hope he rebuilds his life and give us more great songs! :D

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