What? Don't hesitate man, start now! There is no 2 weeks or whatever in metal. If you manage to practice everyday for that amount of time you specified, you will surely get it. Just don't neglect your practice sessions and never take shortcuts. You can do it dude.
Good thing you are now questioning about what gear you're gonna get, but that will come after many months of experimentation, playing, screwing up and screwing up again. Listen to more music and decide what your tone will be like. THEN do the research on your pickups and amplifiers accordingly to get your tone.
LadyInTears is right at some point though although it was put quite bluntly. Do try to do your homework harder. You have to find out somethings for yourself cuz stuff like guitar tone and pups are quite subjective.
Hey man, if you wanna know more about tone, come over to CityMusic anytime and look for Peter (me). I work there and I can teach you something about how to get your tone and maybe teach you some licks which can help you shred or something.