metalcore is a growing genre..why is that?

Somewhat i think metalcore is spoiling the melodic death metal scene...? They somwhat sound a lil similar? With the catchy riffs and stuff....Even emo/core/etc kids listen to C.O.B and Arch Enemy?

I dont know la...u guys should know..
yeah JR i agree with you. went to some core gig, met this KC chick is fishnet and those striped socks. 'Eh i want to learn how to scream like arch enemy!' :roll:
Metalcore is for people who are too pussy to play real metal so they chose to play this so call metalcore thing.This apply to nu-metal also.
its funny that ppl ditch metalcore...
but eventually..
at gigs they still mosh and support the band..

to me.. it all depends on diff individuals taste in music..

i agree metalcore is a growing genre.. but 4-5 yrs ago.. so was black metal..

there are good metalcore bands though.. in the local scene id say 7 Pound Vein..
Quotes of the day:
Somewhat i think metalcore is spoiling the melodic death metal scene...? They somwhat sound a lil similar? With the catchy riffs and stuff....Even emo/core/etc kids listen to C.O.B and Arch Enemy?
Right on. Bt the similarity is mostly in the riffing. Vocal fusion is another thing. And pretty soon those trendyfvcks r gg to dominate. tho in sg they r already the majority :o
Metalcore is for people who are too pussy to play real metal so they chose to play this so call metalcore thing.This apply to nu-metal also.
i'd say metalcore was born of 65% punkrock & hardcore influences. n nu metal we all know. 80% rap+20% metal. so itz just tht some ppl love the idea of rojak music. bt most metalcore is a turnoff. y gore n then sing pussy clean all of a sudden? :lol: n hey hybridcore is a better style..especiali for drumming.
the thread starter wants an ans to his/her question. n itz simple. y is the genre growing? y is a7x on trl? coz the mainstream is accepting the music. solely because of the fusion. n thus all the big hoohaa "HEY METAL ON MTV!" like w t f mates
metal has been on mtv long before a7x came. just that its not the same mtv we see in singapore. its really nothing much for a metal band to be on mtv. it gives them exposure to a bigger audience... BUT if they take that fame and go on to make music just so that it can sell more and not with the same zeal and inspiration they had when they wrote their earlier songs then its bad news.

abt the topic.. metalcore does seem to be growing. maybe its a trend maybe its not.. but like all other TRENDS, it will die down. so we have to wait and see.. but dun need to get all angry and touchy abt it really. as long as u stick to hearing stuff that you yourself enjoy and not force urself to like it becos ur frens do.. why bother wat others are hearing? cheers~~
jono said:
metal has been on mtv long before a7x came. just that its not the same mtv we see in singapore. its really nothing much for a metal band to be on mtv. it gives them exposure to a bigger audience... BUT if they take that fame and go on to make music just so that it can sell more and not with the same zeal and inspiration they had when they wrote their earlier songs then its bad news.
a7x is not metal. metal bands evr on mtv worldwide = countable. mtv2..dimmu..cradle. hahah..n mayb a number of well-known gd bands. one need nt b on mtv to reach out to a bigger fanbase. there r lots of other ways.
people who listen to watever kind of music becuz a lot of ppl near them are doing so, are crap. ppl who wanna hate watever kind of music cuz they wanna be different , are also crap. ppl who listen to watever sounds good to them , are awesome. :)
the reason why metalcore is growing
is because a7x is mainstream.
people appreciate the meaningful lyrics of the songs.
metalcore is not so loud in a sense making it diffrent from metal.
And many people like to listen to metal with a lil bit of emo and hardcore.
thats why people like metalcore.
and thats why metalcore is growing.
by the way.
i like emocore.
gutturalpiss said:
a7x is not metal. .

yup, to be general, a7x arent "metal" metal but like it or not, most ppl relate metal to them :lol: dun get me wrong tho im not a fan of a7x :oops: isnt mtv2 still mtv? im not quite sure abt that.. but yeah there are defintely other ways to reach to ppl out there but still there will be bands which u love and treasure so much who would eventually end up on mtv/mtv2. why? i dunno.. but they just do. so yeah. :D
Paperpunk said:
is because a7x is mainstream.
people appreciate the meaningful lyrics of the songs.

You know, I wouldn't exactly consider a song about a county's wildlife a meaningful one... :roll:

And to answer that question, mtv2 is just another mtv channel cooked up by some money-grubbing corporate sleazeball to showcase mainstream metal 24/7 so kids can wake up to watch the weekly hour-long countdown and then go to grade school and brag to their friends that they listen to slipknot.
jono said:
yup, to be general, a7x arent "metal" metal but like it or not, most ppl relate metal to them :lol: dun get me wrong tho im not a fan of a7x :oops: isnt mtv2 still mtv? im not quite sure abt that.. but yeah there are defintely other ways to reach to ppl out there but still there will be bands which u love and treasure so much who would eventually end up on mtv/mtv2. why? i dunno.. but they just do. so yeah. :D
hahah! u gt tht right :lol:
metalcore sure will die out..
look at alternative, hiphop, emo, punk
all shiok awhile, in the end all die out.
died out to the extent that lounge jazz is the in thing again(westlife)
i guess the only time i'll ever listen to corporate radio anymore is when i have no choice(mom's car, taxi ,cafes etc.)
haters of ___core(suckstothecore :lol: ) unite! let's stand together, be patient, and wait for it to die.

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