Metal in Singapore's Society...


New member
Why does the idea of just screaming, gore vocals disgust most people in Singapore? What happened to the idea of opening up to all sorts of arts? The Arts Council and stuff, they dont promote these kind of events. In fact most of the music organisations does not welcome bands from the metal side of things to play for their big gig(since most, if not all the metal gigs has been in small squeezy arenas). I find this very unfair and i would like to know what are your thoughts on this issue.

Can it be dealt with or will it be ignored throughout the years to come?
Its really just a minority out there who are into music like that. :D

Sales reflect that.

Moreover, due to the extreme nature of such music, most people cannot accept it as "musical" or artistic. Much like splashing paint onto canvas, wiping it ard with your feet, and proclaiming it art.
Ok what about heavy metal bands or power metal bands? I don't see any such bands on big events. I suppose metal has been stereotyped into NOISE instead of MUSIC.

This is my personal opinion, but when a really noisy song is played on stage, the crowd tends to be more crazy. Listening to punk bands , and some heavy ass metal band would do the same. Ive been to some mainstream kind of music gig..and personally i think its pretty boring. The crowd was stiff and i was pissed. haha.

The energy on stage also seems like its not working, some of the bands i see are damn crazy on stage but the audience just stand there. And tell me theres a freakin huge difference between the slipknot concert and the fort minor concert. I don't know why the organisations do not want to you know, try out something new. Not to overrule the whole event with metal bands, but a balance, if u get my drift.

This is just a suggestion. I mean this is a music forum afterall, and metal as far as we know is still considered as a form of music to express aggression and anger in its ways.

So, lets just see what is gonna happen.
It is very true.. For some reason metal is kinda the outcast of music in singapore.. I've never really seen a metal gig as big as baybeats or whatever.. Best metal gigs i've been to are gigs in Paradigm.. I don't think is a bigger stage than that for metal.. Maybe im wrong.
u missed out the konsert rock gerek..But damn that was once in a blue moon man. AND I MISSED IT! argh.. but yet again, i dont think there were like brutal death metal and stuff like that.
not juz metal,classical,jazz,blues r aslo 'outcast'...guess the media is more interested in crap like punk n pop n hiphop crap...
Ah yes, good point there. I wonder why jazz has the same problem. The music is really good. Oh well, its Singapore i guess.
sorry for saying this,but i think its just singapore,well,in my country,indo,we do have outcast genre,but such as jazz,mainstream,blues etc. they have lotsa people listening to it....i guess it depends on the society yea...diff peeps hav diff preferences
I suppose its the lyrical content aswell.

The media has painted an image as heavy metal as being evil and a bad influence.
Lol, but if you're screaming, no one will understand you...even if you're saying f*** ass**** all the way through the whole song...people might probably think you're singing Hallejluah...and it's not as if there'll be a hugh lyrics book hanging through mid-air nor will there any lyrics being screened, lol...

I think it's more of the percentage of the audience that matters...
what abt hip hop? through hip hop we can see that drugs, sex, womanising and being gangsta is alrite. girls can dress scantily too.. i dont think sg does anything to stop that. unfair isnt it? damn niggas.

but im quite happy with the metal scene here lah. eventhough the scene isnt big, there are new bands who want to perform. must understand, sg is small.

i don't think the singapore majority public wouldn't except metal yet as they always relate metal music as satanic, as what had happened decades ago.

Its just like hip-hop.... when ppl say hip-hop, we say they are niggas...

If we see skaters, we say they are nuisance of the public.

When we see Singapore football, we say they cant make it....

The problem is, majority of their mindsets are not open yet. We tend to follow with the flow... what the ppl think, what the ppl say.

That's wat i think. My 5c of comments.
well. Can it be the exposure to such music?
when you always hear those stuff in radio u will like those right?
cause no one expose you to brutal music until your friends come along and hey...check this band out.

It's like, you always eat curry since young, so u will love curry dun you?
if u dun take spicy food all this while, you wont take, or rather you just take once or twice but dun like it.
i think majority sporeans can't except metal music cause they can;t dig the melody out of the music...especially thrash,death or very fast playing loud riffs.All they can hear is noise to them.If you put malmsteen,gilbert or vai to play the guitar,most of them can still get their tunes and melody even if they play fast....but most of the thrashmetal bands are playing to loud and fast.Unless if they listen carefully to the metal music,maybe they can understand the concept....not catchy for them but noisy
i used to listen to only top 40s songs and the heaviest is iron maiden,scorpion..etc...but now i tried listening to thrashmetal music....and i like the technical aspect of it in terms of guitar playing.After sometime i began to dig the me playing top 40s songs or nu metal rock punk is ok.Not to disrespect it.Their song compositions are ok...nice...but in terms of music technical aspect.....well..not challenging enough for me..
I totally disagree with this sentence " Its really just a minority out there who are into music like that"
Frankly speaking alot of ppl do listen but not many ppl play or show it out. If you compare our population ratio with other countries, it would roughly be the same. Same as the reason why Singapore is so called "safe" if we were as big as our neighbouring countries, it would never be safe again with whichever government running it.

But back to the topic. I believe and know alot of ppl out there into gore, grind, trash, death metal or whatever but they also listen to other stuffs. Ppl like these normally never show it out as the so called "scene" are always closed-minded. Most of the ppl in the scene believes only in listenning to a particular genre of music and if you don't listen to it or otherwise you are labelled a poser.

The other reason is, it is termed as Satanic music because it influences ppl to take drugs, steal, rape, kill, etc. But I believe that if you are easily influenced to do the stuffs which the song tells you to do, then you are really stupid. We control our mind and body, we have the abillity to listen, like the music but don't follow the bad influences.

Another reason is also, majority of the ppl not only here in SG but ard the world are so used to listenning to pop (commercial) music that it actually brainwashes their hearing. So whatever other music they listen to, they would hate it or diss it. But their population is big enough to actually have a scene of whatever genre of music they produce.

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