Me (soon to be) new axe!


New member
I'm gonna be getting the Gibson Les Paul Studio from Guitar 77 in October!
I've already reserved it...

Anyway, anything I should do next? Like change strings, or change pickups or what?

Oh yes, I feel like getting a pedal for Distortion, or Overdrive. I play punk and alternative (Green Day, MCR, Saosin...) mainly, so which should I get?

Off topic: What is the difference between Distortion and Overdrive?
if u wana play heavy stuffs, i think distortion is better for u.
Overdrive is a like a very mild distortion. like u turn down ur tone knob and ur volume knob to very little on a distortion mode.

Maybe distortion is better for you i guess.
Unless you wan to have a very nice sweet boutique sound. you can get rocktron gold austin (if im nt wrong the name)
anyway, imho

instead of thinking ways to spend more money on changing pickups/anything on the geetar itself, i would think spending the time with the gear and knowing inside out, outside in on the things which you like, dont like bout it be more fruitful and meaningful to fully understand your needs. Till then, when you come back and ask on the geetar electronic upgrade, it will be easier.

If not, hehe, all the recommendations for upgrade and gear will only confuse and complicate, coz all of us have different views and needs which are catered to our own preferences and needs

anyway, overdrive and distortion, try here for some infos. Just need the time to read thru.
yo bro..are u sure u're buying a gibson? did someone recommend u that guitar or u heard its sound urself? anyway,this reply is a friendly one, worries..
Overdrive is a like a very mild distortion. like u turn down ur tone knob and ur volume knob to very little on a distortion mode.

correct me if i'm wrong but this is not entirely true. overdrive is basically boosting your sound, clipping it. it's usually used to push a tube amp or speaker to get that tube amp crunch that you get when you crank one. but they can also well.. distort the tone themselves even without the tubes. distortion pedals basically makes the clean signal dirty, kinda like how a chorus modulates the signal. well you can say that a distortion sounds heavier or crunch-ier, or that an overdrive sounds more natural and smoother, but that really does depend on the pedal after all.
why care so much about theory of distortion or overdirve and stuffs liddat? just play dun listen to all these people.. take ur axe as a tool to create wonderful music...u got a gd one right there bro... u can do lotsa things with ur axe-gonnna-be i assure u...
To create wonderful music, a big part of it requires knowing the tools used, arise from trying and playing over years, opposed to just reading forums.

Without hands on knowledge, its perhaps art to the one destroying sounds in the name of music while absolute pain to those who are prolly interpreting it as pure energy of uncontrollable fits disguised as pitch and timbre...
Well, here's what you could do bro Silencer. Spend about 3 months or so learning on the guitar; technical, practical and theory. Yep, you could get a first pedal for starters, don't need to get a really expensive one though. Just try out different pedals at the various shops first to give you a rough idea. Maybe after those 3 months of hard work, you could start / join a band, then that pedal will come in handy during your jamming sessions at the studio :) Cheers!

I learnt a lot after joining my first band, the rest is just an endless joyful learning journey
wow, a starte with alot of money.

in my honest opinion i say save the money for rainy days.
pickups and mods can be done later if your not happy with the stock pickups.

seriously. why do you even want to change your pickups when you have yet to hear the stock ones in action?

about the stompboxes..
just buy something cheap but good.
no need to go high end when your not even adept in using it..

its the player, not the gear.
....i would say get a distortion, i play saosin covers and the ds1/2 really lives up to expectation..
yes, you've heard this thousand and one times i suppose.. Try out all the different pedals and see which is your preferred choice for face melting! =)
Overall enjoy, have fun playin around, pedals are real fun once u get a hang of them not just dist.
I can play... abit... I tried out the guitar in the store, and I liked it. The Standard was out of my price range, the BFG was ugly, the Classic was too low pitched for me. The Studio was just the right range, just that the pickups weren't that clear...

I want the distortion/overdrive pedal cos green day uses both, MCR has some songs using them, and saosin... come on... you know how their guitar sounds...

I wonder how I could pick up those things in the sound when all I ever studied was a year of piano :p
i believe that a good guitar is one that you like from the moment you pick it up and play it. you seem to have many gripes about your choice eh sir.

at this rate, you'd be burning more money than necessary. getting pedals is okay, but already thinking of swapping the hardware is rather unhealthy, if you ask me. i say, just stick to the pedals.
+100 to tidesofblood.

but on terms of tone. it all depends on your hands.

we may be using the same stomboxes, same settings. but in different hands. it sounds different too..

so your questions (like all the others) are quite.. unanswerable...
Uhh... I've stopped thinking of changing the pickups (temporarily), but now i need to know how to maintain the guitar (cleaning and stuff)