Me (soon to be) new axe!

Chill la bro Zax, give the kid a break. Will all the criticism he's got for the past few days, I'm pretty sure he has learnt that over-enthusiasm can be a bad thing.

To Silencer, why don't you just chill out for now. There's not much you can do until you get your guitar. I'm pretty sure you'll have lots more to ask (sensible questions of course) once you acquire that Gibson of yours. When that happens, I'll try and answer your questions to the best of my abilitiy. Cheers!
haha this thread is getting dumber by the minute , how old are you silencer ? cause you seem to be pissed scared about holding a Gibson .
haha, bro !
u chased him from Heavy Guitar to Me (soon to be) new axe, next is pickup combo is it ?
hahahaha. :mrgreen:
If u feel the strings are no longer smooth eventho u cant see any rust, wipe the strings one by way of wiping is by circling the tissue around the string, then tighten the tissue as if the tissue is gripping the string and slide the tissue up n down., from bridge to headstock vice versa.if u do it fast,u can actually feel the friction on the strings..and hence the rust disappearing, but im not sure of the tone left in the string..I save up my strings for 8 months or so as i'm not dat attentive in the tone the strings' are giving..but they are still usable..=)
What I mean is that the part of the string at the headstock is still made of metal, so do you still need to wipe it?
you worry too much man.. if u alrd haf ur guitar u will noe tt strings dun rust tt easily. even if u dun wipe it doesn't rust for few months la..unless u play with wet fingertips la(like after u wash hand forget to wipe). that part of the string dunnit nid to wip btw, even if u want to, CANNOT! HOW TO? lol
Oh my goodness..i didnt mean the headstock as in the headstock..i meant *up till the headstock*..ok u noe about u wipe the string right from the BRIDGE PICKUP till FRET NUMBER 1..can? easier for u to understand?

U dun hav to take out the strings..juz leave it as it is,stretched..nvm..since u hav the money to buy gibson as ur first guitar, then might as well change the strings every dun follow my teachings, they are too superior for newbies i guess..hah..
hey bro , its very natural to be new to something and totally noob , but really cut it out . I read this post every night cause it's damn entertaining to see what dumb questions you can dish out . You don't even own the guitar yet , thats the best . You don't need to wipe your guitar , you don't need to do 100 push ups a night just to carry it , you don't need a gibson les paul studio to learn . Just pick the guitar up and play it then as you go by people will offer advice and you pick up new things . Thats just the way it is .