Marshall AVT-20 or Peavey Transtube 112 (bandit)


New member
Hi guys,

need your opinion to decide on this two option.
Which one is recommended?

Price is about the same, i think
I stand by the side of Peavey on reliability. I think the comparison is between the same price range item.

If you compare, the AVT20 is at power output of only 20watts, but the bandit is at 80watts. The volume difference is quite great.

Apart from the single 12AX7 preamp tube, the marshall features are standard of small amp. For Bandit, you can shape the sound between clean and 3 select on lead channel, output also got resonence and damping adustments. So tone wise, I think you can get a whole lot more range on the bandit.

But if you are just using it at home and you love the marshall tone. Then go for the marshall.
i really like that peavey.. once my band had a cc room for our jam place every week... so this guy who's incharge of the room placed 3 peavey 112 bandits.. almost anything i plug into it sounds good.. the gain is not bad either man.. powerful..
Thanks for the pointers.

And yes, mikemann is absolutely right, i'm comparing based on price. Not really apple to apple comparison, actually. haha.

Apart from the power, is there anything else I will lose from using AVT-20 compares to using bandit? the bass sound maybe? or is it simply i will get less volume only? (and yes, i only use it in my room)
CyanideJunkie said:
definitely a marshall... its more reliable... but if u want 1 with more gain then go 4 the peavey...

unfortunately, not true. selected Marshalls are OK, the rest do have inherent problems but it's not across the board, just a bad handful. but it seems strange that i alwys come across these bad handful... for the AVT series, i'd at least acquire the AVT50 for better tone manifestations.

the Peavey Bandit 112 is what i'd recommend as a very good upgrade if you've been playing smaller practice amps prior to this. the gain from the Bandit is thumbs up, the overall performance from this amp is also more than decent. 8) info more than 1/2yr ago. Yeah seems the SL webby updated, with the previously "discounted" price. So we won't be able to further bargain on the price already.
One more thing to note, the AVT20 uses a 10inch speaker. So the 'voicing' of the amp will be different. Size and different model of speaker used directly affect the sound of the amp itself.

But smaller speaker does not mean no sweet sound. It could mean an earlier sweet spot, which is condusive for softer bedroom practise.

Some big amps will sound muddy at low volume settings, this is because the preamp circuitry is affected more in terms of capacitence crosstalk when signal is attenuated more.

Imagine a large signal having small interference, you can't really notice it. But a small signal affected by the same interference, you will notice it more and be affected by it.
Yeah, just saw the webby, the $520 is for the Studio Pro model rated at 65watts, it's different from the higher power bandit.
The AVT is good shit, and comparing loudness. Its definitely not too far away from the 80 watt SState. well I owned both amps before... hehe
and mine was the old one, the one with Shetfield or scorpion speakers i forgot which one. It became too loud for my room at about 6.5 or 7

But the AVT can match it at full, plus gain. Pretty crazy for a mere 20 watt.
Yeah but i agree with the rest. For flexibilty go for the peavey.

AVT sounds good, just not many variations