March Music Mania


New member
HEY there fellow Poparazziacs,

If you like your music, why not take part in our March Music Mania. In line with the aural smorgasbord of gigs,lovewe’d love to uncover our own local talents. Submit a video of your performance or even a music video (be creative and sorry, no copyrighted material – original content only) of your own composition and I’ll pick and feature the best of you lot on the Poparazzi blog ( ) as March draws to a close.

Here’s how you can take part:

1. Register ( for free as a member at loveand log-in 2. Head to the content upload page at

3. Under “Content Type”, choose “Video”

4. Under “Select the album in which you want your video to appear”, choose “March Music Mania”

5. Click on the “Choose File” button to select your movie file. You can upload videos up to 8MB in AVI, WMV, 3GP, MP4 or MPEG formats 6. Fill in the video’s title, description and related tags or keywords.

7. Check the box if you agree with the terms and conditions

8. Click on Submit.


TADA! You’re all set…!
