Manchester United Thread

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anyway all this big talk over just one win - no big deal swallow doesnt make a summer and while it's a morale booster, many supporters (as proved in yesterday's NNewpaper fan's comments) tend to go overboard

here's to a nice Newcastle win over Man Ure in the epl over the weekend ...

after all, AFC still 5 pts clear at the top:D
hey i think we should set a rule here. No flaming of other teams here. Or else this thread will become like a battlefield of arsenal vs manu, we will be having many conflicts around . We should try to post things with considerations of other teams supporters reading it.

my 2 cents worth
this thread is about man utd.but dunno how come got arsenal and others come into this thread which in hand create conflict.
but what you dont understand is that when others come conflict will occur and they tend to be pointless.but hey its soccer.
that's because these people participate without understanding that the contents are very much fan-inclined. they read about their teams being bad-mouthed by Utd fans & they have to react- that's expected.

unless this thread ecludes certain users which isn't what a discussion forum is all about...
actually i have to agree this is a man utd thread. I have repeatedly been trying to emphasise that those not manu fans should not come in here to post. If they wan to complain about manu they can go to their teams thread or the football volume.
i am not a Man Utd fan. i come here to appraise/ comment on certain occurrences because i know the fans here would provide great inputs/ perspectives.
i agree, a man u thread should be limited to man u discussions, but not man u fans. in fact, its almost impossible to discriminate man u fans from non-man u fans in an open forum

so when does criticism become flaming? where do we draw the line? is it ok for a man u fan to criticise the team but not a fan of another team? or is the person classified as 'non-man u supporter' when he says something negative about a team? is a person only a man u supporter when he says positive things about the team, or worse, a glory supporter?
well i did say this thread is about man utd and man utd only.nothing to do with the fan label but putting opposition team into the equation is pre-conflict already.there has to be self-righteousness in this thread.
bro Dime, U did say this thrread is about Man U only BUT it leaves the door open for the ABUs (Anything but Man U) fans to have their say as well....

good or bad - its about Man U mah...

what we all need to do is to take things with a pinch of salt ..end of the day no matter how die hard we are, clubs make money, players get inflated salaries and life in the general universe goes on ...
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i dont really mind such topics about man utd being brought up be it good or bad.its about the other red fine but they may not.
thats what I mean by "we all" ...

I've been taking shit over the result that day but hey... life goes on mah ... :)
ai yah ..cmon man ..if cant beat Lyon then I donno what to say ...chicken in inn biskit ... unlike us kena the reining CL champs...
we didnt say we cant beat lyon.but im gonna catch arsenal vs'll be one of them classics.
we didnt say we cant beat lyon.but im gonna catch arsenal vs'll be one of them classics.

As long as AFC wins by 2 or more - i dun care iif it's a bore or not ..

outta here - time for facebook work
bros bros...chill
man utd historian here, no worry anything good, bad, beautiful or ugly about man utd
sure can say,take or do,no problem with me...

bro fgl is right-good or bad,its still about man utd..
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