talk cock, sing song, play ping pong
talk cock, sing song, play ping pong
no talk, no song, seow ding dong !!!
just casual talk lah, what else ?
the usual sales tactic of getting to know
a potential client, so expect me to buy gear from him.
i was looking for a M-Audio MIDIsporter 4x4 interface
but no stock. so he try to push the 8x8 to me at about $600.
no buy from me.
lucky move from me, a week later I bought a used
first print 'bright blue colour' 8x8 midisporter for $300.
if I didn't buy this, I may buy your Emagic midi interface.
talking about M-audio MIDIsporter, it is noted in SonicState
users reviews that it drivers crashes in Logic, Cubase and ProTools,
any such phenomenon ?