Just to add on, as a final say, the moderators at Luther will try their best to keep the class ad free of nonsensical stuff, and maybe you guys who actively post to buy and sell can help to take note of the rules and regulations, such as 'no brand new stuff', and no links to auction sites, and no sale of items other than as per allowed, such as concert tickets, cds, t-shirts and other messages to put up to comment on prices, and it would really make our day to do that.
Sometimes, we have to delete a lot of ads, and we still have to send e-mails or sms-es to people whose ads don't match our rules and regulations.
We would try our best to keep it user-friendly, but we will need your help too, as we cannot try to fish out every single item which is not in accordance to the rules, and if you guys could help look out for ads which are not supposed to be there, it would be great if you could help notify us.
As for us deleting the ads, at times it would be at the request of the sellers who email us, or when we call them to enquire, they would say that it is allright to remove. Otherwise, deletion would happen only when the item is not in accordance to the rules on regulations, which is a strict no-nonsense policy which LutherMusic has adopted. =)
For sellers who have sold their stuff off, please do email us at
mulyadi@luthermusic.com, or at
info@luthermusic.com to ask us to remove the ads and in order not to clog up the space.
A final note, we would be resetting the classified ads on Friday night by about 8pm or so, and service will resume once we have completed the resetting of the system. This is to make way for more space.
This service is really a complimentary one from Luther, and we hope that it can be a pleasant place for people like you and me, who trade our instruments and find nice people around.
and of course, we are not perfect, and if we have offended anyone or caused a misunderstanding, i'll apologize on the moderators' behalf. =)
...being a moderator is hard work too...you get GAS very fast...and very often...=P *wallet goes flat fast*