Wow bro faizal lotsa help here man. I'll chip in as well. Try to take up a sport, but for working adults its kinda hard to fit it into the schedule. Friday nights, sat evenings, sun evenings, go for some brisk walking and start slow before jogging at a slow pace.
Yes, eat in small servings and throughout the day if you have hunger pangs frequently, eg HEALTHY sandwiches. I always try to stock up on easy fruits- apples and stuff, so that if i have the urge to go for the chips or unhealthy stuff, I'll go for the fruits instead.
If you're a fond lover of gassy drinks, try to go with FRESH fruit juices and plain water, natural sugars are always better.
As said already, chew and bite into smaller pieces, eat SLOWLY, aids digestion and helps to let your brain think that you're full. Don't pile on the carbs, try brown rice instead of white rice, really can bring sugar levels down. Asians no rice=sure faint. So don't starve
yourself, fruits and vege often, steer away from the ice creams.
AVOID eating close to bedtime, because your metabolism rate slows down when you sleep, so try to eat 3-5 hours before bed time man. HYDRATE yourself frequently, water is essential to keep the body processes going.
Always know that fats are the last 'portion' to be burnt, when you start to exercise initially, carbs are burnt off FIRST, thats why people avoid eating alot before exercise, and also a main reason why many people exercise in the morning just after a light meal of maybe milk/sandwich.
Hope all of the above ideas that everyone have contributed will aid you in some way dude. Actions speak louder than words, i'm trying to shed some kilos too man, we're all in this together