Looks like I have to go on a diet....tips?

Faizal, before you implement any drastic change to your eating habits, you should know that eating less and starving yourself will only do more harm in the long run. You will get back whatever you lost in a very short time, if you don't do it properly and healthily.

Personally, I have these tips for you. See what you think about it.

Meal Frequency
This is not going to be easy but if you can, try not to eat 3 big meals every day like everybody else. Spread it over six times but of course, in smaller portions.

The reason being that this way, you are training your body to get your metabolism going constantly and also, if you always have some food in your stomach - you will tend to eat less as compared to the usual 3 big meals, if you don't stick to a regular timing, you will feel more hungry thus you will tend to eat more.

Chew Your Food Slowly
This is a habit that I feel everyone should try to cultivate. Digestion starts in the mouth, with saliva and if you don't chew it slowly and properly - it will lead to digestion problems and digestion problems usually lead to many other health problems.

I read somewhere that the stomach actually takes 20 minutes to completely send a signal to the brain to say that it's full. So, if you eat fast - you will still 'feel hungry' even if you've had eaten a lot.

My advice is to get a regular meal partner so that you take your time to eat, while talking to the other person. I ALWAYS feel full faster and can rarely finish my meal whenever I eat with somebody.

Besides chewing slowly and properly, if you eat with fork and spoon - try not to pick on the food right after you have taken a bite. Take a bite, then put down the fork and chew. Only pick the next bite after you've finished chewing.

Meal Size
This is going to be another difficult one because usually you feel too sleepy to eat a heavy breakfast, and after a long work day, you will feel very hungry and thus will eat a heavy dinner but this is actually unhealthy.

Remember the saying "To be healthy - eat your breakfast like a king, your lunch like a peasant and your dinner like a pauper?" or something like that?

It's actually quite logical. When you've woken up, you've actually fasted for more than 8 hours but you need the energy to recharge. So, you have to try to eat a heavy breakfast. Do you know that a normal Japanese breakfast always consist of a bowl of rice, miso soup and some fish? That's why the Japanese (especially the Okinawans) are known for their longevity. They actually age more slowly than the average person.

So, that's why eating 6 small meals a day is recommended, so that you don't end up eating big meals, especially during dinner because your body doesn't need that much energy during the evenings. Unless you work the night shift.

While you cultivate these healthy habits, try to gradually ease into a regimen of exercise - don't just jump into it. If you have been sedentary for very long, your heart may not be able to take it and you can just collapse.

A resting BP of 150 is quite high. Normally, the recommendation is to drastically cut your sodium intake. Hypertension can lead to horrible things like chronic kidney disease, if left unchecked. You don't want that, do you?

Try to eat as much healthy and fresh vegetables and at least two fruits a day. Don't take fruit juice because it takes a lot of fruits to make a cup of juice. Worse if you go to those stalls where they just grab a few fruits, top it up with water and diluted sugar. Very unhealthy. Try to drink more plain water, if you can.
Thanks to everyone again who contributed with useful tips and advice...:)

hecklerkoch, care to elaborate more on how u divide eating 6 meals a day with small servings? I'd like to know more :) n u mentioned that eating a heavy breakfast is recommended? I'd always thought it was a no-no to do so..
lots of good advice here, especially faekildare.

Remember this - if you keep doing the same stuff, you will keep achieving the same results. If you want to lose weight, you have to change your lifestyle to a healthier one in the aspects of exercise, diet and sleep.

Talking about sleep, it's important to sleep early. This helps boost your body's testosterone and you will find yourself able to push the extra repetition or mile when you are working out. I'm not the best example, since it's like 2330 right now.
Wow bro faizal lotsa help here man. I'll chip in as well. Try to take up a sport, but for working adults its kinda hard to fit it into the schedule. Friday nights, sat evenings, sun evenings, go for some brisk walking and start slow before jogging at a slow pace.

Yes, eat in small servings and throughout the day if you have hunger pangs frequently, eg HEALTHY sandwiches. I always try to stock up on easy fruits- apples and stuff, so that if i have the urge to go for the chips or unhealthy stuff, I'll go for the fruits instead.
If you're a fond lover of gassy drinks, try to go with FRESH fruit juices and plain water, natural sugars are always better.

As said already, chew and bite into smaller pieces, eat SLOWLY, aids digestion and helps to let your brain think that you're full. Don't pile on the carbs, try brown rice instead of white rice, really can bring sugar levels down. Asians no rice=sure faint. So don't starve
yourself, fruits and vege often, steer away from the ice creams.

AVOID eating close to bedtime, because your metabolism rate slows down when you sleep, so try to eat 3-5 hours before bed time man. HYDRATE yourself frequently, water is essential to keep the body processes going.

Always know that fats are the last 'portion' to be burnt, when you start to exercise initially, carbs are burnt off FIRST, thats why people avoid eating alot before exercise, and also a main reason why many people exercise in the morning just after a light meal of maybe milk/sandwich.

Hope all of the above ideas that everyone have contributed will aid you in some way dude. Actions speak louder than words, i'm trying to shed some kilos too man, we're all in this together :)
gd lux with your diet plans bro - you could consult dietician to help you plan your diet / excercise program.

The energy for daily activity (organ function, walking, moderate work - moving around) is largely obtained from fat. If intensity increases, glycogen would be the main source and and all out sprint would be derived from Phosphogen. This is a simplistic summary but when you're sitting on a couch typing away, the energy used is largely from fat. But this doesn't we're burning alot of fat doing nothing - note the difference between fat burning and total fat burned.

Unused carbohydrate would get stored as glycogen and if glycogen stores are not tapped (moderate to higher intensity activity), then glycogen converts to fat. Hence if you have low levels of activity, simple carbohydrates are to be avoided and if you look at the glycemic index, it'll give you a good idea of what simple carbs are. Brown rice is actually pretty high in the gylcemic index. Whether the GI index is a good indicator for food choices, it's debatable. Best is to eat according to energy levels. If you feel refreshed and energetic for a long time after a meal, it means you're making the right choices :)

not an entirely accurate article but worth exploring if the 'geek' thing is important.

my diet:

1. kopi
2. smoke
3. liquid x*censored
4. more kopi
5. more smoke
6. more liquid x*censored..

bye bye blue sky, bye bye faizal!
Eat less rice and noodles haha. less carbs More green veges! less oily food.. etc

Eat more fruits. Exercise more.. do cardio workouts (stuff which requires you to use your limbs)

Most importantly..
SLEEP EARLY AND EAT YOUR MEALS ON TIME! Avoid meals after 8pm :)
It helps to be stress free as well :)

All the best!
hey tamp st 82 bro...
here are my tips..
1)go easy on the gravy.....
2)choose brown rice, bee hoon.avoid stuff like white bread, cakes or even yellow noodles (yeoolow noodles hav high sodium content which wil raise ur blood pressure)
3)lotsa plain water
4)more veg less fried food
5)stay away fr food tat contains ghee.
7)avoid snakcing , if u must, take fruits
8)stick to a regular meal plan
9)rest well and avoid late nights n late night pratas sessions

there is a very good tip
breakfast eat like a king
lunch eat like a prince
and dinner eat like a pauper

but by sayiing heavy bfast i do not mean big breakfast or roti prata telok with extra sweet milo of course...
As usual, keep those useful tips coming, thanks :) This will not only benefit me but anyone who reads this thread...I know most of u guys mention fruits n veggies as an essential part to staying healthy, but was wondering if dried fruits are ok? Like dried mangoes with preservatives etc...

cruxgod: So what is ur ideal heavy breakfast made up of? ;P
Hi all

I went for my health screening 2 weeks ago and just got back my medical results. It sure doesn't look pretty. My BP is around the 150 range, which is higher than normal. My BMI is pretty high nearing the obese range. And this is definitely a far cry when I was still fit n healthy during my NS days and ever since I ORD, I began to slack all the way.....gosh, I really need to exercise regulary and cut down food with high cholestrol like my fav briyani chicken, chicken rice etc etc but with Singapore filled with so many delicacies, its pretty hard to resist the temptation and tend to have cravings...I'll be 28 this year and I'm getting a bit worried about my health..its a good thing I don't smoke/drink alcohol.

If u guys n gals have any tips on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle and what foods are healthy, do share them here..thanks :)

Cut down your soft drinks intake
Every 3 days, get some plain porridge in your system
Drink lotsa water to flush out toxins
Sweat i.e. Take the stairs, go for long walks& when you're comfy with that, start doing short sprint ( HiiT drills )
You're only 28, I've had clients who were twice your age, obese& turned their lives around
Most importantly, believe in yourself cos when losing weight you'll hit a plateau& that's where your self-belief comes in

There no 'fullstops' in my post cos there ain't no fullstop when it comes to being& staying healthy
I still don't believe in dieting a lot. To me it's alright to enjoy food, but make sure it's in moderation and train 3 - 4 times a week.
As usual, keep those useful tips coming, thanks :) This will not only benefit me but anyone who reads this thread...I know most of u guys mention fruits n veggies as an essential part to staying healthy, but was wondering if dried fruits are ok? Like dried mangoes with preservatives etc...

cruxgod: So what is ur ideal heavy breakfast made up of? ;P

a ideal bfast to me will be
wheat bran or museli with low fat or soya bean (no sugar)
2 pieces of wholemeal bread with tomatoes n lettuce with ham (1 piece)
1 x apple
also one thing..when some ad says 'no sugar added', that doesnt mean that there isnt any sugar it..so hav to be careful.

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