looking for cheap mp3 player


New member
anyone know where i can buy cheap mp3 player? have been wanting to get one, but dont really know which one and where to get. any suggestions?
Do not buy iPod Shuffle either. Has lotsa demerits i tell ya. Just because itz Apple doesn't mean itz red shiny & juicy n yummy. Itz nt like a fairy tale nt like snow white no.
the new ipod nano is abt 318sgd 2gb..not a bad price i guess....my creative muvo jammed twice...both occasions i brought back they replaced it with a new one...excellent service but wad's the point....
just got my ipod nano... its VERY VERY nice.

my shuffle now confirm become thumbdrive and jogging mp3 player already...

mine is white~~ black like abit too bang and olufsen.
drownedout said:
I'm also looking for a cheap mp3 player.....my budget is probably 100(or less if possible) to 130.

Hei I just brought my mp3 player thru yahoo auctions.. Its really cheap.. 512mb for $115.. It's bandless though.. here is the website for more details..


Happy searching.. :twisted:
candie said:
Do not buy anything by Creative. Trust me. Jams easily.

The thing that I really hate about creative Mp3 players are the pair of headphones. The plastic insulation keeps coming out exposing the copper wires and this has not only happened to me but to to other creative Mp3 players which give that same pair of headphones as well...
anyone know where i can buy cheap mp3 player? have been wanting to get one, but dont really know which one and where to get. any suggestions?

i suggest u try out sim lim or funan... if u got more cash, i guess its the right time to check out the iPod mini, coz the iPod nano is out, so, prices for that will definitely go down as some shops will try to clear stocks. i have the old iPod 40gig. serves me ok. sounds good, no problems so far... but check out other brands too.