looking for a personal/specialised teacher


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looking for a personal/specialised teacher (cancelled)

hey all experienced drummers out there (not anymore)

im a 20 yr old dude who's playing 4 a alt/punk rock band 4 the past year or so.

recently i ve been trying 2 push my drumming technique and variations much further than before, ever since my band has stated work on doing original compositions. but everytime i do so, i just cock up,not do it effectively and go out of beat. i also realise that my rowing is not effective and my single drumstrokes suck.im starting to run out of ideas and happen to only play effectively only on 1 speed.

so what im pretty much looking for is a teacher out there who can help me improve my technique.i ve been self taught all the way and have been playing 4 the past 2yrs plus inconsistently (past 1 year then consistent).my basic techniques are pretty much screwed up (i started out by playing green day straightaway).

so any1 willing 2 help your fellow drummer over here?(dun worry, u will be paid)
arrangements on when or where, im nt so sure yet.
so juz pm me here
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