Long hair for school going guys petition


New member
This is for my juniors who are still in school and my friends who are continuing to be oppressed by the system. Mine's signature 147. Get people who do not believe in institutionalized bullying of the politically unempowered to sign! This is the first step towards the creation of a society that has an opinion! Not the weak minded lap dogs I'll be leaving behind in about 2-3 years!

*I think the guy who wrote the petition is a total idiot though, he clearly does not know how to support his arguments. No matter, I'll try to help him.

there shoud be one for people doing NS too. ALL soldiers should be allowed to sport long hair, some pleating/ braiding should be considered as well. bonus for people who make effort to dye their long hair in camouflage hues to match their uniforms, yes?

why stop at long hair?

down with the government, taxes, the law, the police and prisons. down with all these institutions. they are bullying the people into oppression.

who's up for a utopian society where everyone has unlimited freedom?

oh, it's not 'utopia' but 'anarchy'

when will people learn that it is not possible for any individual to have unlimited freedom without violating that of someone else's?

you may see it as conformity. but in reality it's just the compromise people have in order to pursue each's own, selfish interest.
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I wrote out my arguments to him and told him to redo the rather crude petition

Hey dude, I'm another student who's coming to the end of his 12 years in oppression by the local system, I support your cause, however, I think you need to make your arguments more convincing, not just that, you need to substantiate your cause, if you think two lines of hurling insults is going to make the old fogeys in charge take notice, you're going to be sorely disappointed, I recommend you edit the petition (if you can). Take the following pointers below, I'll rewrite the whole thing for you after my last 'A' level paper. Good luck.

The following ideas would be useful in writing as essay as a petition, please note that the use of clear and concise english is important to convey a sense of conviction and seriousness so as to catch the attention of the fascists currently in charge of the system.

- Reasons why male students should be allowed to keep their hair long.
- It is a mark of a civilized society to grant various freedoms to it's citizens, by controlling and regulating the physical appearance of the members of the society, the schools are institutionalizing the bullying of the weak who do not have a voice nor an alternative. The schools exist to provide a SERVICE, that is education, however, due to the prohibitive costs of a private education, students do not have the alternative of voting through where they put their money, indeed, if there were alternatives which were reasonably priced and worked like private institutions, public schools would very soon find themselves out of business.
- The barring of boys from keeping long hair is an act of blatant sexism. Female students are permitted to keep their hair any length they wish as long as they keep it NEAT. The reason why NEAT is capitalized, is because that is the supposed justification local schools give to force male students to keep their hair short. If the female students can keep long hair neat, why is it not possible for the male students? The justification for the rule is hence flawed, therefore, voided.
- Indeed, this controlling of how long we keep our hair is a violation of our fundamental human rights. The following articles are obtained from the universal declaration of human rights, since Singaporean government institutions are violating one of the key pillars on which the United Nations is founded on, Singapore deserves nothing short of expulsion from the United Nations.

Article 22.

Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security and is entitled to realization, through national effort and international co-operation and in accordance with the organization and resources of each State, of the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity and the free development of his personality.

-The length of our hair is an expression of our personality, the controlling and regulating of which hence violates article 22 of the universal declaration of human rights.

Article 30.

Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein.

-This further solidifies our stance as any state, group or person may use any of their so-called rights to intrude on our rights, as such, we, male students of the Singaporean schools, deserve the right to keep our hair in any way we like.

-Yours sincerely,
Morgan Johann Lee
Yea... that guy seriously needs more support for his argument. Haha. Why don't you create one with a well-versed and excellently detailed argument? I'll sign it if you do, Morgan! Because I do believe this rule is quite bullshit (even though I'm a girl). I mean seriously, in what way does a guy keeping long hair against the rules? It's not against society's norms, not now anyway. I walk along the streets of Melbourne every day and I see pretty much half of the guys with long hair. Just doesn't make any sense why Singapore schools ban it. Most Australian school allow it. Singapore's more conservative than it thinks it is.
Wait wha? It's not against the rules? But... when I was back in junior college and high school it was for guys. D'oh. Lol. And mind you, that wasn't too long ago. Haha.
it's not against the rules in general (that's what i wrote...) meaning; if a guy walks in public with long hair, the police won't arrest him. but if he treads the school grounds as such, he's in trouble.

Ooh, yea yea, I get that. I meant it's against the rules in school. I know a couple of school kids here in Australia who've got long hair and it doesn't seem to be a problem. But in Singapore, it's like "OMG! YOU MUST DIE!" Haha.
i don't understand the rationale behind the long hair rule. unless it involves closed minded beliefs some people have about a person's hair length. like how kitaro was refused entry into singapore in the 80s i believe. and how pinball machines and jukeboxes were banned here until recently.

to subversion: sarcasm noted, but that's a really bad analogy.

to shinobi: uh, it's just hair. i get your point, but it's real inappropriate in this case
'oppression' is too strong its use here. Its more like indoctrination.. the same way more and more youths these days are indoctrinated with neo-american imperialism , notions of freedom, terrorism , capitalism and democracy.. etc

Its not so much about the policies from the top, its more about culture norms. We are a collectivised asian society, not an individualist western society.
oh, and Good luck with trying to finding a decent job or getting people to take you seriously with a long and radical hairstyle.

the UN human rights are controversial , its not as 'universal' to all cultures as it is idealised to be. It is culturally bias.
And i dont see a DIRE need to embrace western values , and this include the 'illusions of freedoms'. Its unfortunate and inevitable that western influences encroaches on our culture and more importantly who we are in the face of globalisation.

and its really hard to see hair length as a fundamental right. You wont die if you have short hair.
Hifi_killer: I kind of understand where you're coming from, but don't you reckon everyone should have a CHOICE about their hair length? It's almost the same as how everyone should have a choice on the food they consume, the clothes they buy, etc. It's your body, you should be able to do what you want with it.
oh, and Good luck with trying to finding a decent job or getting people to take you seriously with a long and radical hairstyle.


do you take this guy seriously?

my point is, i don't think judging a person on his hair length is right. it is the asian norm but it is flawed. why should we stick to old prejudices? come up with a basis for judging a person on hair length and maybe i'll agree with you.
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it's a practicality in the case of the army, i think you're looking at it wrong. in the case of students, it's because of prejudices
i don't get it, you choose to go to school, and yet you dont want to follow the rules? is this hypocrisy?

and furthermore, if it were a poly or uni, maybe slightly more logical. but for secondary/primary schools to allow long hair? it's more logical to abolish uniforms before allowing long hair/piercings/tattoos right?

the reason why uniforms and dress codes exist in schools/NS/etc is for uniformity and equality. it's an effort to erase the lines that divide the millionaire's son from the hawker's son. and such measures are done not out of practicality, but out of symbolism. and the most logical time to do this is an early age.

equality among people is something that society desires. racism still exists, as has been acknowledged by our PM. social classes, the income gap and elitism still exist.

but obviously, some people want to impose their personal agenda rather than seeing the big picture and doing what benefits society. if social change is out of selfish individualism instead of compromise, i don't see how we can make sense of living.