Liverpool vs singapore match.


New member
So what did you guys think about it man?
Nameth is the hottie:)
im sure many of u guys were there.
I think the singapore team must be honoured but yet quite sad that the supporters are cheering for liverpool man!

i know a few hundred female fans must have been shrieking their hearts out when torres took off his shirt for a good 10 minutes after the final whistle :D

anw i thought kuyt was the real killer - singapore had no reply to his raw energy and power
yea my friend is one of them. let me quote from her msg.
"Sooooooo nice. They showed for so long. i drooled and swooned for like 5 min straight when his body was on screen"

lol...these girls' boyfriends must hate torres. HAH
Nemeth is finally recognised in Singapore. Came to know of him a year back already. Actually I felt the reserve team players like Mikel Roque Dominguez and Martin Kelly didnt do too bad. Liverpool were very relaxed for this game.
yea my friend is one of them. let me quote from her msg.
"Sooooooo nice. They showed for so long. i drooled and swooned for like 5 min straight when his body was on screen"

lol...these girls' boyfriends must hate torres. HAH

no lah. can see cannot touch. if can touch then they'll hate him!! hahaha ok they'd probably be liverpool fans too so.

17wil: yeahhhh technically singapore didn't do too badly as well, but kuyt was just way overpowering!

i'm an arsenal fan but someone like kuyt i'd gladly have in place of adebayor ANY DAY
It was totally AWESOME! And I agree it was a breeze for Liverpool. I guess the score was pretty predictable. Torres was HOT! :-D Wonder which lucky bastard managed to swap jersey with him.
Singapore played very well during the first half.The defense was rubbish during the 2nd half..Baihaikki damn lembek...
Did anyone see poor Mascherano kena knocked down twice big time? :p

Anyway, great game..they were still cheering for the Singapore side though.
oh plunk plunk, get over torres! hahaha.

I thkn the result yielded no surprises. But yeah. I'm not a pool fan.
But I guess the Singapore players have much to learn about sportsmanship. Normally for the EPL, whenever players knocked into one another accidentally, they would help each other up and pat them on the back or something but from what I saw just now, they just walked away and pretended nothing happened.
i dunno if you all caught it (i mean, with torres's bare chest on display) but i thought benitez was kind of chewing into him at the final whistle, the conversation probably went like:

"i gave you 30 minutes out there and you didn't really do anything"

"i scored a goal?"

"that was a tap in. you can do more in 30 minutes"

torres shakes head as benitez walks away
lol hopefully there'll be a replay and i'll be able to catch it...missed the high impact 2nd 45 min...blardy hell.
Did anyone observe Alonso's behavior after the match?

(i) He doesn't look too happy at all despite the margin of win.

(ii) He still wore a Singapore jersey and did not change back to a Liverpool jersey for the trophy presentation and photoshoot, unlike the rest of the team.

(iii) And most obvious of all......He did not seem interested in the post-match team photoshoot. He just stood silently at a corner of the podium while the rest of the players "bunched up" together and enthusiastically posed for the cameras. It took a few nudges from a team mate before he moved a few inches to the centre, but still leaving a big gap.

Call me paranoid. But signs from Alonso's body language tonight shows that he is about to leave Liverpool. Hopefully, I'm wrong. :(
i gotta say, singapore's first team put up a pretty decent fight for the first 45 mins, until the goal before half time. the defense was tight but after the break, it all went down.

if there was any liverpool player that impressed me, it would be kyut.