Liverpool FC Thread

FGL! Refer to post above ;)

As an optimist, I would say yes, we would be better, but hey, it takes time to show.
All Liverpool fans should read the article, very very interesting and true.

Sammy Lee today spoke of his delight after returning to Anfield as assistant manager to Rafael Benitez.

The former Reds midfielder has signed in for a third spell with the Reds as a replacement for Alex Miller, who left to begin a managerial career last week.

After spells with the England management team and Bolton Wanderers, Lee is now thrilled to be back with the club he served so loyally as both a player and a coach.

"I've been away for a while but everyone knows what this club means to me and it's a great pleasure to be back," he told

"When a club the size of Liverpool comes in for you and when a manager of the magnitude of Rafael Benitez wants you then you can't say no. When I found out they were interested in me I was really thrilled.

"After the sabbatical I've had I just wish the season was starting tomorrow, but the players have had a long, difficult and demanding season and they need to get away and get their batteries recharged.

"I've been around Melwood this morning and seen a lot of old faces but a lot of new faces as well. I've shook hands with everyone and introduced myself. There are some great people here and I can't wait to get working with them. It's so nice to be back."

Lee arrived back at Anfield after a disappointing spell as manager of Bolton Wanderers - but despite his career at the Reebok Stadium not panning out as he would have wished, he has no regrets about his time as a number one.

"I was very honoured and privileged to be given the position as Bolton manager. The pride and the honour I felt to be their manager was only outweighed by the sheer disappointment that it didn't go well," he said.

"I have to say the Bolton fans were fantastic towards me. I haven't had the chance to say that before but I want to thank them. Even when results weren't going well they were very supportive towards me and, most importantly, to the players."

But now he's back at the club he has supported since he was a boy, Sammy is keen to play his part in helping the Reds in their quest to win more silverware.

"I think the club has made great progress over the last few years and they were so close to having a great season this time around," he added. "Hopefully we can keep improving and get to where we all want."

Welcome back Sammy, alittle late news, I know :???:


The right sided full-back - who will represent his country at this summer's European Championships - is out of contract with Borussia Dortmund this summer and has opted to begin a new career on Merseyside from next season.

Philipp DegenDegen, 25, spent four seasons in his homeland with FC Basel before his move to the Bundeslga and will provide competition for Steve Finnan and Alvaro Arbeloa in the right-back role at Anfield.

Liverpool boss Rafael Benitez said: "Philipp is still young but has gained great experience from playing in the Bundesliga with Borussia Dortmund and on the international stage with Switzerland. He also played in the Champions League during his time with Basel and so is used to top level football.

"He is an offensive player with great energy and a winning mentality. His strength is going forward and I am confident he will be prove to be a quality addition to our squad."

Looking ahead to the move, Degen said: "When I received the offer from Liverpool, there was no doubt I would accept it. They are one of the biggest clubs in the world and I am looking forward to the challenge of establishing myself there and playing in the best league there is."
Benitez has an irritating habit of signing players on free transfers. Last season was Voronin. Now this Degen guy. Voronin wasn't exactly shining at Leverkeusen and he's only a peripheral figure now. Degen? I dunno, Finnan's finally beginning to succumb to age, Arbeloa is simply put, substandard. I really hope Degen brings some much needed quality into the RB position or else we're jus gonna end up with another Wes Brown.
If Torres wanted to go, he wouldn't have went to Liverpool in the first place.
Yeah, I haven't heard much from the Degen guy, gonna check him out during the European Championships.
Benitez has the S'porean attitude........want cheap, want green! :)

But can't help it lah. Unlike free-spending ManUre and Chelski, Liverpool has limited resources......can save, must save. The two feuding cowboys actually don't have mucho $$. Come to think of it, we are screwed by Rick Parry and David Moore! Yankees go home.....bring on the Arabs and their hordes of camels and sterling pounds!
Let's just pray Degen might be a Sagna in the making.

Anyway, free transfers don't always mean they are bad... But I think Finnan is really one man who deserves all the limelight! What an unsung hero he is!
23 Years on.


On the 23rd anniversary of the Heysel Stadium tragedy, Liverpool Football Club remembers the 39 football supporters who went to watch a European Cup final and sadly never returned.

On 29 May, 1985, the deaths of 38 Italians and one Belgian totally overshadowed our European Cup final defeat to Juventus.

What should have been a joyous occasion turned into a nightmare.

No one will ever forget the horror that unfolded before our eyes that night and 23 years on let's all pause for a moment to pay our respects to those unfortunate victims...

In Memoria e Amicizia, in Memory and Friendship

Rocco Acerra
Bruno Balli
Alfons Bos
Giancarlo Bruschera
Andrea Casula
Giovanni Casula
Nino Cerullo
Willy Chielens
Giuseppina Conti
Dirk Daenecky
Dionisio Fabbro
Jacques François
Eugenio Gagliano
Francesco Galli
Giancarlo Gonnelli
Alberto Guarini
Giovacchino Landini
Roberto Lorentini
Barbara Lusci
Franco Martelli
Loris Messore
Gianni Mastrolaco
Sergio Bastino Mazzino
Luciano Rocco Papaluca
Luigi Pidone
Bento Pistolato
Patrick Radcliffe
Domenico Ragazzi
Antonio Ragnanese
Claude Robert
Mario Ronchi
Domenico Russo
Tarcisio Salvi
Gianfranco Sarto
Giuseppe Spalaore
Mario Spanu
Tarcisio Venturin
Jean Michel Walla
Claudio Zavaroni

RIP - You'll Never Walk Alone

Time flies eh. Condolences.
let's bring Gareth Barry in!
look how well he links with stevie-g in the england friendlies.
it'll be sad to see alonso go but barry will be a good replacement.
and rafa need to buy a good winger fast.
kuyt = a useless dude to fill up the numbers.
let's bring Gareth Barry in!
look how well he links with stevie-g in the england friendlies.
it'll be sad to see alonso go but barry will be a good replacement.
and rafa need to buy a good winger fast.
kuyt = a useless dude to fill up the numbers.

Nope, wrong wrong wrong.
Liverpool doesn't need that good of a winger, if you see how they play.
It's not 4-4-2, rather they play 4-1-3-2 kinda thing, with a holding midfield and stuff. Most attacks go from the center through Stevie G, and the sides are alright. Dirk Kuyt is the unsung hero of the Liverpool squad. Torres wouldn't score all this goals if not for him chasing down every ball, pressuring every defender, and even playing out of position. He is hardworking, passionate, and scores at important games, I don't know why people just love to hop on the bandwagon and say he's useless. And Alonso wouldn't have to go, he is different from Barry. Alonso's more of a sprayer, Barry kinda reminds me of Gerrard, I'm sure Mr Benitez has plans for everyone.
Nope, wrong wrong wrong.
Liverpool doesn't need that good of a winger, if you see how they play.
It's not 4-4-2, rather they play 4-1-3-2 kinda thing, with a holding midfield and stuff. Most attacks go from the center through Stevie G, and the sides are alright. Dirk Kuyt is the unsung hero of the Liverpool squad. Torres wouldn't score all this goals if not for him chasing down every ball, pressuring every defender, and even playing out of position. He is hardworking, passionate, and scores at important games, I don't know why people just love to hop on the bandwagon and say he's useless. And Alonso wouldn't have to go, he is different from Barry. Alonso's more of a sprayer, Barry kinda reminds me of Gerrard, I'm sure Mr Benitez has plans for everyone.

w/o the funds from selling alonso, there wouldn't be barry though.
stingy Hicks and Gillet.
I don't want Barry. Gerrard and Mascherano at the centre will do.

Kuyt is probably one of the best players in Liverpool. He's bloody hardworking. Reminds me of Steve Finnan.
It's 4-2-3-1 by the way.

Don't think they have 2 holding players. But yeah, it's kinda along the lines of that.
Nah, Alonso won't leave, the Americans are not that stingy, they have money, not alot compared to the other clubs but they still do. I'd take Alonso over Barry anyday.

With stability, the title can be here soon.