Liverpool FC Thread reports say rafa kena boo by own fans at anfield after wigan match...

the end is near I fear ... for rafa...
Rafa Benitez & Arsene Wenger both sitting together watching tv and having a cup of tea.

Rafa: Did you get 1 goal last night in the FA cup? We did.

Arsene: Yep, we got two.

Rafa: You got TWO? We only got one?

Arsene:Thats why we're Arsenal (with a wink)
Sir alex comes in with his own cup of tea and a little giggle.

Sir alex: we got 2 too.thats why are at the top of the league.
he invited himself cause his fav tv show was on air when the both on them had their convo.
yeah your welcome tho least it keeps this thread alive.dont want to be on the back pages right?
eh ! wads wrong with pool !? luton oso can draw. rafa's gonna get his career ended soon.
but i seriously dunno wads wrong with pool. hmm. torres is greaaattt.
liverpoool in debt

rafa gonna leave by season end-he did it with valencia.
board never support so he ciao from valencia
same thing is gonna happen...

now liverpool in debt, $350 million-the americans are in need for the money only.they are businessmen first, "fans maybe 2nd"
a middle east group is in talks

and before u know it,the Reds will have "Al-Unta" in their shirts instead of carlsberg
if osama took over--man, i will hate to think about the consequences
later our beloved OT kena searched for weapons of mass destruction

actually we have a few WMD-CR,WR,CT too name a few...
well osama said OT will be moved to afghanistan.haha.he will teach players to take corners with hand grenades.haha.