Line 6 amps


New member
Hey guys, I need some opinion on the Line 6 Spider II 15w amp. Does it really sound artificial since it is digital? Also, in contrast with the Mashall MG15CD, Ibanez ValBee and Fender Frontman 15G. Thanks
Within those choices, if I had versatility in mind, I'll take the Line6.

Out of those choices, with the budget you have for those amps, I'll take a Cube30.
dont be tricked too much with stuffs people always say like OH ITS TOO DIGITAL

go and try it out and judge it yourself and compared with other models

some hate that amp

soem like it

its up to you to go down and try out
seanydon said:
Hey guys, I need some opinion on the Line 6 Spider II 15w amp. Does it really sound artificial since it is digital?

To answer this question, for the Spider II 15watter, yes. Very fake.

But who knows, you might like it! :wink:

ShredCow said:
seanydon said:
Hey guys, I need some opinion on the Line 6 Spider II 15w amp. Does it really sound artificial since it is digital?

But who knows, you might like it! :wink:

yup yup

as said sound bad for some... but may sound good for some
hmmm im not trying to throw any wet blanket over digital amps versus any other amps... But i heard from a fren using line 6 amps, that when the power supplies drops, u can tell the difference in terms of the output.

U may want to check this out... N u may wanna bring ur pedals there to test if the amp reacts well to watever ur using...

Trust ur ears n taste
i own a spider.
The cleans are pretty good but the distortion channels really dont cut it. Very bland tones on crunch and metal settings. IMO, a very poor attempt at trying to recreate the '68 marshall plexi and mesa dualrectifier.
I personally find it pretty hard to dial in to get a decent tone.
Dont even bother about the 2 INSANE channels. you just get a shit load of fuzz noise. :x

Go for the cube30.
just grab a pathfinder, best decent sound for that kinda price. Dun even tink of the frontman, it sounds worse than the marshall15 is thats even possible....
i'll go for the pathfinder 15 also. personally preference.

next would be cube

next would be line 6.

but you are not me. so do try it please.
Hi Sean, I use a Line6 Spider 112 50W (Version 1). That thing is loud. While some will have their reservations about it being 'too digital', I beg to differ and will go on to say that the tube simulation is really quite amazing if you learn to control it well.

Bang for buck too considering the kind of onboard effects.

At the end of the day...I suppose it how it sounds to your ears....a man's meat is another's poison, so they say?
i reccoomend the behringer gm110 combo over at luther.. its SGD250 if im not wrong.. its basically a tech 21 trademark copy.. but it does give some gd sounds TO ME.. u should go try them out...
stars_jy said:
i reccoomend the behringer gm110 combo over at luther.. its SGD250 if im not wrong.. its basically a tech 21 trademark copy.. but it does give some gd sounds TO ME.. u should go try them out...

It sounds good to me as well! :D
if willing to top up an additional 100, get the ibanez valbee. Sure won't regret. Full tube amp, Can get loud. Sounds sterile when played soft, crank up the vol and feel the tone. Bottom end is present too. Amazing for a 5w amp and a small speaker.

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