Limiter vs Comp


New member
Hi guys need some help on this...

I dun slap often but when i do my bass peaks a lot when i pop...

Cld i get some help on whats the different between using a limiter or a comp for limiting n even-ing out my sound?
Or maybe wld an EQ pedal do the trick?

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no worries man, hope you found the info u were looking for!

anyway to address your question directly, you might want to get a compressor/limiter where there is some kind of control over the 'attack'

i don't think eq will help smoothen out peaks. more for tone shaping than anything else.
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that's an interesting story;

bro frenchtoast decided to order a compressor, a 4-knob keeley that's boutiqe with a capital 'B'. i think he needed something that had more controls to zhng. so he sold me his gem, an ebs multicomp. probably also boutique, but with a small 'b'

i wanted something simple only to smoothen out my tone. i don't slap. the multicomp is good quality shit and is serving me well
t-rex squeezer --> i've heard many differing reviews, some people slamming them while others raving about them
here's a tip: if your problem is peaks when slapping/popping, maybe you don't need a compressor! =) you need maybe to lower the action of the strings so you dont have to use so much force when popping.

in any case, a compressor does help create a more constant level, but it wasn't really created to compensate for bassists popping and slapping. controlling levels is alot about your technique IMO

unless of course you like to play really hard and need the action very high and/or you want a compressed sounding 'pop' sound