Let's party after GCEs! =D

Which date can you make it for the outing?

  • 25nov

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  • 26nov

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OEI! WTML LA! Pepper you don't push it to me okay. Its obvious he's after you. LOL. And sanXp won't give a damn anyways. ;)
he's after DX lah. okay okay enough teasing. sorry, birthout! dont be scared away from this humble forum k!

hey, candie, can your boyfriend read all these from NS? just wondering. lets close the topic then. (;

ah. we should have some forum for super random posts. =( i feel weird eating up this forum's bandwidth lah. haha. well see you guys again another day! im off to slumberland! indonesians are pretty cool people!
what? close the topic? why? nooooo! lol, im sure james doesnt mind a 70+++ page topic running on and on, it shows the forum is alive! lol, at least, alive with very VERY bored GCEs-just-ended students who log in every five minutes hoping there is a new interesting post somewhere (me). lol.
heh u guess very bad leh... shhhhhh why did u guy expose me!!! i like...... hahaha but too bad i guess the two girls alr has a bf.. so i aint no chance.. poor me.. :( k la.. i'm just kidding.. say anymore i might just offend them :oops: well... i'm asking all softie if u guys wanna go out in the dec.. i mean just hang around.. i can bring a guit... maybe... play some game to break the ice.. i dun mind organizing,, but u guys must be sporting yeah ?? if not.. there would not be any fun.. :P ..
lol, i think its almost a 100% thing that i'll show up :wink: im bored stiff at home. never did think i could play computer games till i get tired of em :(

anyway, mero and I are planning on getting Dexian a birthday present. a really "KEWL" birthday present. anyone interested? if yes, pm or add me to msn LOL. it'll be worth it, i assure u!
waaaah.. after o lvls hankie pankie? NONO! BIG FAT SISTER IS HERE! so shoooo! stay away from the softie girls!!! hahahaha :twisted:
LOL. Birthout, you're such a tease! Okay, anyway, I may go as long as I don't have a job yet. Or sth. Lol. I'm desperately looking for jobs. Yeah. Hope I hook one up.

As for our lovely<3 dx, we must get him a Mandy poster too k! =) Go search for it somewhere. Haha.

Okay I'm off again. My big NS bro is booking back into the army tmr so he needs the comp. =( BYE!
why isnt anyone talking here now?

haha...i've discovered tt heinekin totally pwns carlsberg sia...so addictive...after drink finish, still got withdrawal symptoms...(heart beat very fast, chest very tight n "itchy", very serious craving for more GH, dry mouth)NEED MORE!! :oops: drinking during breaks between lessons again.. :oops:
Ya Heinekin is nice. But Absolut Vodka is better. I made a bunch of Vodka Jello Shots after discovering the recipe on the net. YUM!

Also, gin and tonic is always good.
lol...vodka cant enjoy, drink a bit then hit the limit already...at most 1 mug only, which is ridiculously a lot already...considering tt it has 40%!! lol...ahhhhhhh.....heineken sooooo....nice...... :D

oh...btw...i go back to class very red from drinking...then i'll say i went sun tanning or i went sauna...quite a number of ppl actually buy it! 8O
haha don't drink straight like that la, you drink one mug of 40% sure die. Mix cocktails or drink small shots at one go........
mero said:
haha don't drink straight like that la, you drink one mug of 40% sure die. Mix cocktails or drink small shots at one go........
I did it once, after drinking loads of barcardi coke...so total dunno how much i drank..lol...then forget to bring guitar home, and, in bed kept shivering...then i became much more careful when it comes to limits following that. :oops:
poor candie got allergic reaction to alcohol that day siah. and she turned into a leopard. LOL. ok random. ahhh. im so bored. =( PALAWAN BEACH WATER SUCKS.

tanjong beach rox0r. (;

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