Let's party after GCEs! =D

Which date can you make it for the outing?

  • 25nov

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 26nov

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Let's go to the zoo, zoo, zoo, how about you, you, you, you can come too, too, too, we're going to the zoo, zoo, zoo!


But seriously, zoo.. Hmm.. Tiring leh.. So far away =x Haha..

lol, i found english normal as usual, slept for around half an hour each lol. thats already shorter than normal sleeping time, since i actually did check for mistakes and stuff 8) what topic of compo did u guys pick? i took 5, marriage, lol. i simply love them one word topics.

anyway, zoo sounds cool, only thing is damn far for me too :( i'll go though, even though i know i'll regret it the next day, or maybe, i'll regret it on the way home already lol. or maybe on my way there... hmm........ anyway, never been to zoo since primary 3 sia, wonder if they brought in new tigers or sumthing :D
OMG!! I'm so dead for English!!

What are the five meanings for vocab?

Varociously - big-mouthfully
infernal - heat
relic - belief

These are my answer.. :lol:

Cant remember the other 2. What bout you guys?
Relic = remaining trait? no idea man.
infernal = burning
Can't remember the rest.

ANYWAYS, I appeared in the English Paper 2 Passage 2 today! Didn't you guys see/read me? The part where whatever-his-name is saw lush green grass and SHEEP. LOL. =x Okay I'm mad.

relic= sacred relic in dota, used to make radiance or civine rapier
infernal= can stun units in an area, can last 180 seconds...

dota appeared in our papers!

okay infernal= scorhing hot place
relic= vision(dont think it was referring to some ancient treasure)

right vocab was pretty screwed, essay oso like shit, havent even married talk abt marriage...gay marriages would have been novel...

so how guys ?? i tot the paper so far were really easy.. didnt know why the paper were easy .. studt so hard also no use.. MUst be God helps.. anyway i did Q5.. marriage.. hasha one worded topic.. yeah!

paper two was okay .. niot too tough .. hmm

the vocarb
1) docoration for beautifying
2)acient examples
3)(cant remember)
4)despratly barbaric
5)scorching hot

anyway can u guys remember what did u put for the other word for the Gobi desert??

hows physic paper people??
hmmm... my teacher always told me to find word replacements, rather than explain the terms, i.e. the word should be able to be substituted into the same sentence w/o any sentence structure being changed.

anyway, i was spouting nonsense about marriage too, i even felt confused as to what the heck i was writing lol. i think i'll get crap for content marks, but hopefully an ok for language x.x
doesn't infernal mean hellish or stygian.. stygian was my answer anyway..

voraciously - with vigour
embellishment - for show

i forgot my other answers..
no stygian means dark.........

But Infernal = anything associated with hell, e.g. hellish, fiery, fiendish blah blah blah :lol:
Debility-Weakness (WOOHOO!)
Infernal-Extremely hot

5/5 :P

haha...i am drunk ...dont mind me...studying for bio w00t
opps sorry for the mis spells.. hhaha .. yeah .. in the air port now.. trying to stuy but cant seem too.. so how do u feel bout the recent Os people??

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