Let's party after GCEs! =D

Which date can you make it for the outing?

  • 25nov

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 26nov

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wooo i would be great if we could meet up after o lvls.. well that will make the first time i meet up with softies. yay
well, me, i've been to a few concerts. seen a few pple, can name even fewer. in any case, i really look forward to this meeting.
first, i get to meet u guys(or girls).
second, it means the dumb exams are over, and i won't ever have to sit through anything as gay as the O's again.
lastly, it'll be the first time i'm spending the whole night out (hopefully?) :oops:
haha, i think, i speak for the rest when i say all are welcome. if its only us 16 yr olds, like very few. must noisier abit. lol.
Actually, I also don't know what the activity is, cause nobody seems to be talking about that! Lol. But anyways seems like lots of people wanna go makan? So we meet up for lunch and/or dinner and see who wants to do what? I'm not sure..

Anyways, confirm going out on 24th nov? Can? Anyone can't make it?
i can make it :D hmm... makan ar... and maybe we go walk into every single music store we can think of? lol. that'll take up ennuf time for us to be done in time for dinner. lol. by music store, i mean CDs, guitars, piano, whatever store lol.
24th nov will be a normal school day, but then ppl like me aren't important in this outing, cos not even taking Os! so it doesnt really matter if i cant go. haha...
nuuu! all are important! we are softies one and all!

btw, is it just me, or is the soft forum's clock off? like... i posted this at around 11.54pm sunday, but it shows as 01.55am, monday. wth?
Lol! Oh yah.. Michaelangelo, won't it be the holidays already? =\ Later november leh.. Or you guys wanna join us after school? Haha..

Me.. Erm.. I can make it anyday, except the weekends.. Bf books out on weekends la :oops: Haha..
yea, the clock is not singapore time..haha...anyway, this is a post O lvl outing, so its really unfair/selfish as a non O lvl taker to demand that the date/timing be altered to cater to me...lol...have a fun ah! weet weew! :P
haha. but then ur school wont be finished by lunch time? :( cruel school! haha, someone compile a list? like the chalet list lol.
oh, candie, im in poly mah, school is starting next week for me, i holiday now. haha...im not used to it either...november and december is gonna be spent in schools, with normal lessons! :?

BTW fruitwine, i dunno the timetable for the new semester yet...but for the last semester...school start at 8am, end at 6pm...lol... :x
WAH SO LATE! Anyway still can join us for dinner. LOL. =x Okay sorry. Anyway let's just pile a list first to see who can make it on 24th nov! Let me start.

1. Candie
2. Pepper (I know she confirm can one laaa. LOL)

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