Let's party after GCEs! =D

Which date can you make it for the outing?

  • 25nov

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  • 26nov

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KNN!!! CB KIA! why wan ka chiaw mi ah?! I not scaRed hor...u wAn fightz can mett lorz...1 on 1 ah...tHInkz i sCarED u ah!?!?! LAi ah...call you braler coMe I also not scaRed lor...i gOt divINe protectionzz from mi gOod luCk pet Luo Han lah...laixxx!!!
Kaye said:
i"lL BrIng AlL mY sHinY pLaStIc LAImOnds.. AnD ThRowWz AT eEu.. tHEn eU fAllz aNd diE ArHz.. kekekeke.
wei wei wei!! mi nv wan fight u horzz...cos u say wan intro chIO buZZ to me...later i so stRoNg, mAu yOu u unTillZ u sehxx liaO, theN hoW to iNtro giVe mi?
yAh HoRz.. OkAy LaRhz.. I IntRO AlL ThE cHio ChIo MEis Meis tO yOu. AhBeng KoR KoR.

AAH! this is so weird. ahhahaha
wahahhaha...u know how i know ah beng language? I used to have an ah beng friend. He forced me to listen to his techno...he tried to convince me to attend his gang meetings for protection, and he kept speaking in ah beng language until i understood it all...lol... :?
:lol: i have friends who r the malay version of ah beng n ah lian..mats n minahs..haha..i tell u their language is strangely funny but damn rude ah..
hahahaha! i have a few friends who actually type like that.. haha yay

lAi LAI. lEt MeE gIvE EuU AlL mY LAImOnds. lETs BrIng The HoUse DoWn WiTh ThE HOT HOT tecHnO hItz. HUAT AhHz.. AhbEng KOr Kor bRinG mE Go MAke My PhOne NiCe Nice Worz. sTeAdY deE OkAys?
HAHA! I can NEVER stand those lian blogs with all the eUu mOi iisshhh luurrvvees mUacKzZZz that kinda thing. Ultimate TWITS. LOL.
I cAn DEz. aH BeNg LaNgUage Ish The BEsTiEsteStsest lArhz. u KnW mY mEis MEis sAy I veRri PrEttY lEhz. CUx I aLwAyz puT On mY 2dOllAr pInk pInK liPStIcks.

waaahahaha i'm so good at this. but i'm not ah lian alright.
lol...im tired of being an ah beng man already lah....anyway, anyone here guilty of going to gangster shop to modify handphone lights? hahahaha...i wanted to, but couldnt, cos my model wasnt a common one, so the ah beng at the stall was afraid to take my phone apart at that time. :oops:
LOL. Then there's also the lians who claim to be PUNK and even GOTHIC just because of their black eyeliners meant to enlarge their eyes to unnatural sizes and their cheap dark red lipstick and black nailpolish. -_- Can't stand it!

At least my makeup GOT BRAND ONE okay. -_- Not some cheapskate buy from pasarmalam thing. =\

Lians can never be punk or gothic. TECHNO TECHNO TECHNO ALL THE WAY. Lmao.
hahahahaha..i dun like their way of typing..very frustrating to figure out wat the hell they r writing..furthermore their english very POWDERFUL i had a hard time trying to decipher wat they r saying.. :lol:
aiYoz. eU Alls sO mEaN tO Me dE.. I shAll gO And dIe NOw.. *BANGS wall*

*soon the ahlian vanish into thin air*

proof! HAHA.. ok that's lame.. hmm i have never modify my phone before.. at the most is changing the cover.. eew and it's sucky lah
THEM?! GUAI?! Come on la, I'm like 27892389438934902390x guai-er than them. HAHA. =x

I do admit that I have a bright pink phone though. :oops:

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