Let's party after GCEs! =D

Which date can you make it for the outing?

  • 25nov

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  • 26nov

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Fruitwine said:
lol. i used to hate bio too. until i topped the class once. lol. then i started to have a more open view. anyway, im pretty fine with *most* of bio. i simply hate and want to tear off the chapter on plants, fruits, etc etc. the rest are good.
hahahhaa!!! i !!!HATED!!! the study of plant reproduction!! So damn unexciting(compared to human)...the pollen go to the stigma...and uh huh....lol...swell up become pericarp... :oops:
ya. bleddy boring. only rmb some rot abt endosperm, since that word was inside :twisted: and er.... yea. pericarp, mesophyll. lol, its like, random words come up all over the place. i couldnt label a fruit if my life depended on it.
Fruitwine said:
ya. bleddy boring. only rmb some rot abt endosperm, since that word was inside :twisted: and er.... yea. pericarp, mesophyll. lol, its like, random words come up all over the place. i couldnt label a fruit if my life depended on it.
the biggest irony of all is that your name is Fruitwine...hahaha... :oops:

LOL! i remember this:
In the small intestine, a lipid molecule is broken into 2 fatty acids n monoacylglycerol. They are absorbed into the small intestine cells and reassembled to form triacylglycerol. Triacylglycerol combines with apo-protein and cholestrol to form chylomicrons. Lymph transports chylomicrons to bloodstream, which then transports them to adipose tissue for storage, or the liver/muscle cells for beta oxidation. Before beta oxidation, triaylglycerol is broken into fatty acid and glycerol, fatty acid combines with CoA to form acyl CoA. Beta oxidation is a 5 step process occurring in the mitochondria. Each fatty acid molecule is re-cycled through the same 5 step process. Each cycle removes 2 carbons from fatty acid and produces an acetyl CoA. If the fatty acid consists of an odd number of carbons, then the last cycle yields a propanyl CoA. Acetyl/propanyl CoA enter the TCA cycle for energy production.
12 carbon fatty acid uses 2 ATP to convert to acyl CoA.
12 carbon acyl CoA goes thru 5 rounds of beta oxidation n gives 5 NADH, 5 FADH2, and 6 acetyl CoA.
acetyl CoA in TCA cycle gives 3 NADH, 1 FADH2, and 1 GTP.
6 acetyl CoA yields 18 NADH, 6 FADH2, and 6 GTP in the TCA cycle.
Total ATP then = 18x3+5x3+6X2+5x2+6=97ATP
But 2 ATP was used up, so nett ATP gain is 97-2=95 ATP

A look inside Mero's head..........

*3 brain cells transmit MichaelAngelo's message to brain*

*3 more brain cells attempt to decipher contents*

- 2 hours later -

*The 3 brain cells are still looking at the message*

*They spontaneously combust due to overload*

This happens about 132153263264360 times every day :lol:
lol...sorry, if u didnt get it...was just testing if i still remember or not.. :oops:
ok, now is candie's turn to describe DNA replication, and Mero's turn to describe RNA transcription! :twisted:
I don't even take bio! I can explain how volcanoes form though :lol: Or block mountains, rift valleys, horsts and grabens. =p
ok, then explain how potatoes..ah..i mean volcanoes form then! cos i dunno...i only know some plates itchy backside, then move about...or sth... :oops:
I can explain how uhhhhhhhhhhhh


I can explain why the head of the Schutzstaffel, Ernst Rohm got owned by Adolf Hitler!

The answer is : because he was a homosexual and that embarrassed Hitler's Nazi ideals which condemned gayness

It's true!
YES! That's true!

Let's see how much I remember without revising.

First, at convergent plate boundaries, the denser plate subducts underneath the plate that is less dense. Usually, oceanic plates subduct under continental plates (meaning land), thus forming a deep sea oceanic trench. At the subduction zone, the oceanic plate is pushed down into the magma layer and is thus melted by the magma, to form even more magma (duh.), this increase in magma finds its way through cracks and faults in the ground and escapes to the surface as lava. As the lava solidifies layer over layer, TADAH, a volcano is formed! <3

(oceanic plate) _______/_\___________
==========\ (continental plate)

you know im still wondering why theres a difference in the lava.. as in the basic and acidic lava? why are they different?