Fruitwine said:
ya. bleddy boring. only rmb some rot abt endosperm, since that word was inside :twisted: and er.... yea. pericarp, mesophyll. lol, its like, random words come up all over the place. i couldnt label a fruit if my life depended on it.
the biggest irony of all is that your name is Fruitwine...hahaha...
LOL! i remember this:
In the small intestine, a lipid molecule is broken into 2 fatty acids n monoacylglycerol. They are absorbed into the small intestine cells and reassembled to form triacylglycerol. Triacylglycerol combines with apo-protein and cholestrol to form chylomicrons. Lymph transports chylomicrons to bloodstream, which then transports them to adipose tissue for storage, or the liver/muscle cells for beta oxidation. Before beta oxidation, triaylglycerol is broken into fatty acid and glycerol, fatty acid combines with CoA to form acyl CoA. Beta oxidation is a 5 step process occurring in the mitochondria. Each fatty acid molecule is re-cycled through the same 5 step process. Each cycle removes 2 carbons from fatty acid and produces an acetyl CoA. If the fatty acid consists of an odd number of carbons, then the last cycle yields a propanyl CoA. Acetyl/propanyl CoA enter the TCA cycle for energy production.
12 carbon fatty acid uses 2 ATP to convert to acyl CoA.
12 carbon acyl CoA goes thru 5 rounds of beta oxidation n gives 5 NADH, 5 FADH2, and 6 acetyl CoA.
acetyl CoA in TCA cycle gives 3 NADH, 1 FADH2, and 1 GTP.
6 acetyl CoA yields 18 NADH, 6 FADH2, and 6 GTP in the TCA cycle.
Total ATP then = 18x3+5x3+6X2+5x2+6=97ATP
But 2 ATP was used up, so nett ATP gain is 97-2=95 ATP