Learning Martial Arts.


New member
I dunno if this has been posted.. hope it hasn't....

Anyone out there equipped with experience on the martial arts of self defence???

Im thinking of enrolling myself into one after i gave up on taekwondo lightyears ago.

I wanna learn ninjitsu or muay thai. Anyone out there knows where i can enrol onto a program like this at a affordable "group" lessons please let me know by repling to this thread.

Thanks guys.
i once learned Taekwondo. gave up during 2003 after the SARS period. just got lazy to go. got my black belt. heh been thinking if i should go back to it. lose a couple more pounds. :lol:
Aikido 2nd Kyu here. Stopped just before my sec 4 prelims.

Damn it's been a long time.

There's this Muay Thai place at the top floor of revenue house named Royal Thai Fitness Gym or something. Google it, they have a website.
muay thai is gd man. learn some ground fighting as well as stand up man.
darren de silva is the man to talk to
Ninjutsu does not exist. Ninjitsu is a gimmick made up by Americans to tell the world they have gotten hold of the secret art of Ninjutsu. The only genuine descendent of the Kouga clan is Dr Masaaki Hatsumi. There has been nobody else claiming to be of Ninja blood. Although he claims he has carried with him the so-called secrets of the art, there has so far been no proof. I do respect him and if you get to train with him personally, I have been told he's a great and wise man.

The Bujinkan, Budo Taijutsu and Shinken Taijutsu would be the closest if fused with experience and knowledge. However these forms of arts are extremely demanding if you want to be able to do well and progress. Ninjutsu by itself is a set of survival skills. What is available here in Singapore is Ninjado. Basically it borrows most of the fundamentals from all forms of martial arts, and applies special techniques passed down by Dr Hatsumi, that in turn were improvised on by other prominent figures in the "Ninjutsu" scene. His schools don't have competitions. You challenge yourself. But Ninjado takes on the form of a more "modern" art in that there is going to be lots of testosterone.

You have to have passion, mate. If you want a good system, with good teachers who actually PAY ATTENTION to you, with bonus techniques taught to u if u deserve or evn if u don't, PM me.

But i can tell u one thing. U won't get Science (although some of it yes), Horsemanship, Espionage and Pyrotechnics in your modules. Other things like weapons (hint: sickle, nunchaku, shuriken), water-training, concealment and disguise, you may. There are ways ;)
i wanna learn muay thai.

this midget here..is juz trying to learn some self defence as well as inflicting excruciating pain upon those who steps on his little toes. :lol:
I learnt Jeet kwon do and it is a never ending learning. It teaches that peace is maintained if you can intercept violence with love.
i learned taekwondo when i was young, then i got my black belt 2nd dan and quitted at sec 1, and picked up wushu in my sec school. wushu teaches more then just martial arts, it teaches moral values as well, and helps your health as well!
I think you mean Jeet Kun Do, and I have yet to come across someone in Singapore who teaches this. Care to share where you are learning it from?
ninjitsu does exist... Cause i have friends in malaysia who take ninjitsu as their cca which is freaking scary cause you can't offend her if not she'll kill you or something... :lol:
freaking scary cause you can't offend her if not she'll kill you or something...

yea right..like they are above the law. :roll:

you can be the most skilled monkey to ever exist..but if u got a bullet in your head. END OF STORY! :roll:

makes me wonder..if these martial arts crap PREACH so much about having patience..not being violent bla bla bla....why make their moves so lethal?

contradictory. :roll: :roll: :roll:

gosh im so fascinated with rolley eyes. :roll: :roll: :roll: :lol:
Ninjutsu is the real thing, lost in the woods of Kouga and Iga.

Ninjitsu is a gimmick

You can't call it the way of the Ninja if it does not include the main subjects: Espionage, Concealment and Disguise.

Why does it not exist? Because it is not needed anymore. Times have changed since the Edo and Meiji era. They existed for a reason. They were the ultimate rebels of their time. The modern Ninjas would be the so-called Terrorists these days. If you look at Al-Qaeda training, it greatly resembles theoretically what Ninjas might and should have gone through.

Not to say you can't practice weapons freely these days. Restrictions everywhere. That narrows down the armory modules.

If you master all sorts of Martial Arts, Science including Math and Biology, Physiology, Strength and Endurance, you are already a Ninja ;)
Anyway, there was this Japanese martial arts master who mastered the art of shouting.

He could stop anyone in his tracks by shouting. His master used to able to kill small birds. And he can ring bells... by shouting. Pretty cool... Can anyone find that vid?
i have a good deal for you then.
My ex-coach roger tham is a 7 dan blackbelt under the singapore taekwondoe gymnasium.

He charges $8 for 1 month. ( 1 group lesson per week ).

He teaches mostly at west side.
However, you,ll have to buy a gee ( uniform ) about $70 bucks
and $10 enrollment into Singapore taekwondoe gymnasium fee.

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