Well speaking from experience, i know some that goes there because it is "more" established, i know of this girl in foundation year, who just finish her 'A' level and got accepted to a University, but instead she came to Lasalle through foundation and to Fashion management, and believe me her works are so professional that it is salable in the market. There is also this one guy whom was in product design in TP and left for lasalle after just one year, and he told me the lecturers there in TP are stucked up and rejected every possible ideas he had and even condemn his drawings as being called not up to standard, but from what i see it is pretty good in terms of technical drawing even some lecturers in lasalle there praise him for his professionalism, and some of this lecturers are those that knows the market out there. And he even told me when he came to his interview for lasalle, he showed them his works and all, and they were impressed and even offered him to skip foundation and straight into level 1, but being the hardworking type he decided to not skip foundation and he is now pursuing something he is enjoying.
It is a stereotype to say that art students party all the time and work less, just take a look, yes we do party but not to a certain level where we come to school drunk and believe me when we hand in our works for submission we made sure it is presentable and up to the standard to be considered as professional. There are also those who sacrifice their weekends to come back to school to finish their works and some i know stayed till late at night even though their journey home would take them at least 2 hours to reach.
And if you happen to look at art central's nine lives, most of the actors and actress are actually students from the school. The bartender girl who was one of the main character is a student there.
And recently i attended a jazz workshop there during the mosaic month, and though it wasnt exactly the lecturers who were conducting it, it is still noted that lasalle is able to bring in such renowned and notable players to conduct its workshop, and it was free and i am not even a music student, and the players, most of the time, were really making the workshop interactive, in terms of answering questions.
And phoneix, what course were you in? Because most students i know there drop out during their foundation year, rather than their specialization years, because it would have been such a waste and the fact that during foundation years you learned all the basics of art, and i certaintly learned alot, though it is quite stressful. I even picked up new skills during that time which it is very useful when you go on to the working world, in terms of technical and design elements and problem solving skills.