LaBella flats


New member
Was thinking of giving LaBella flats a try. Did a search but couldn't find any mentions of LaBella on SOFT!

Does anyone know where I can get my hands on a set of LaBella Deep Talkin? Looking for a 49-109 set.
i know that the manufacture of sadowsky strings is (or at least were) actually outsourced. supposedly to sadowsky's specs. i think that company is labella
Btw the Labella black nylon tapewounds are sold at ridiculously cheap prices by Carvin. You can get someone to order from Carvin in the US and reship to you. Comes in 4 & 5 string sets, Carvin labels them as "acoustic electric" strings.
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check the ebay stores i posted in another thread regarding strings. i ordered from one of them before. definitely not 40 buckaroos for shipping or 80 bucks for a set. but be prepared for USPS shipping that will prob take 14 working days