Hmm, as most of you know Im a Metallica-freak, so this will be a biased answer.
First off, Kirk didn't go to Berklee...
Anyway, I think one has to think of what a guitar hero is. For me, Metallica made me pick up the guitar. As a guitarist, my favorite is John Petrucci for a mile. I think, however, and of course this is due to John playing much harder things than Kirk on stage, but I think Kirk has more personality when playing live.
Sure, his solos are pretty damn similar, but are AC/DC's not as well? Yet Angus Young is a guitar hero for many, and has become some sort of a stereo-typical rock god thingy.
I think a guitar hero constitutes that, a hero, not how somone holds a chord. I think every player adds personality to their playing, however simple. I guess Kirk likes his wah 8) .
I don't think a guitarist can be less of a guitar hero by lacking technical skill. To me, it's about the music. I mean, shit - Kirk wrote the riff to Enter Sandman!
As for folk saying he is gay - what is that founded on? Just because he is not slugging beers, cussing out of his pores and tatooed to hell? His high voice? One then has to consider Van Halen and the Glam rock types? Because he dresses trendy? Anyway, If Kirk was gay, then would it affect him being a 'suitable' guitar hero?
The point is, while Kirk is no Vai/Petrucci hybrid on the neck, the guy can play. He has personality, feel, and plays tight. I'm not saying all the other wizards don't, but simply mentioning that Kirks..'lack' of ability cannot be used to his discredit! If he has inspired a kid to pick up the guitar and follow a life of musical passion, then in my eyes, he is a guitar hero.
As for the folks asking about the gear -> the multi-$$$$$$$$$$ rack behind him
:!: 8O :?: