Kirk Hammet shows How to Play MoP

He seemed least gay in that docu ... Actually that whole documentary was gay to be honest .. I didn't watch it finish till now ...
Haha, I wonder what he would be if his musical talents and Metallica were non-existent. Imagine that, Kirk the gay mechanic.
I just think he's overrated 'nuff said, of course this is my opinion and i'm sure to take flak for this comment :roll:
well Hammet gets alot of flak in the Vai forums so i kinda agree with you edo. first time i heard Metallica, i went holy &^((*&^ this guy is good! until i listened to the rest of the songs and found out all his solos are basically the same repeatitive pattern. seems like Satch and Berklee didn't help him much
He went Berklee 8O ??? Now, this came more shocking than he being Satch's student.

Anyway, it's all personal preferences :lol:
Metallica makes good music ah, that's a confirm chop++ for me ... I think metallica's solos usually use those rather unique pulloff patterns that sound quite cool ah, and after years of listening still can't help but rock to their sound ...
saw this the other day..
Kirk just lost touch totally..
I do agree with some comments made there, some said he is like a 5th grade guitar player..
Well just really sad to see my favourite band going down..
I dunno why yall say this but i find his gripping and handling of the guitar tremendously awesome. His chops and digs are perfect and that tight sound coming out. It maybe his gear that his using but do look closer to his handling. the way he hold his chords and such. To me thats wat we sporean players are lacking. We cant grip the neck properly and jamm those notes nicely.
KH/Metallica is the reason i picked up guitar.(I do believe to many people as well.)

Kirk Hammet/MetallicA is good at their early days..

From what i heard from others, they said 'He has said it himself, the reason why they dont make any more songs with those insane solos is because he just cant do it anymore. his hands dont react like they use to.'

Even if this is true, nevertheless KH still remains as a hero to me.

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