Keep the interest going !


New member
Hi there,

How to keep the interest of playing keyboard going ?

How much time should one spend on practicing the keyboard each day ?

Should one practice one or a few pieces of music on each practice session ?

I feel discouraged when I encounter new chords and rhythms, how to have that breakthrough naturally ?

Cheers :p
just as anything you do in life. you must be fueled by the passion. there's no point forcing yourself. before i started playing the drums, i knew nothing about drumming. but the first time i got on the kit, i felt..different. it felt like home, and i was extremely comfortable behind the kit.

certain techniques, of course, didn't come naturally. it's all hard work and practice. listen to various keyboardists and pianists. find a good teacher. and keep practicing. it might get boring at first due to having to learn technique and chords and all the boring stuff. but once those become second nature to you, you tend to concentrate more on the MUSIC and less of the technique. and the technique is only the tool for you express yourself musically.

have a structured practice routine, and practice EVERYDAY, ANY CHANCE you have. practice scales, finger dexterity, ear training, chord voicings and of course songs. i don't know how to play the piano. but that's what i do for drums. i practice rudiments, independence exercises, etc, etc. just spend at least 15 minutes on each section and move on. don't do the same thing for more than 20 minutes. your mind will get tired and you'll get bored of it. just 15 minutes and move on and come back after a cycle.

of course, practice your coordination and stuff. unless you're mozart, hiromi or emily bear, it's very seldom you'll naturally be a genius on the keyboard. there are no shortcuts.
Get a teacher to help you. That will help your technique limitations.

If you are encountering a mental block and getting frustrated, sometimes taking a break is a good thing. Practice is good, but if it is causing frustration, it's doing damage. A few days off may sometimes get you back into renewed passion.

Also, keep posting quetsions in the SOFT keyboard section. Other keyboardists will help you keep that interest going!
Thank you for the replies :)

I have gone through Grade 4 classical training and been to a few prominent music schools to learn chords progressions and rhythms.

So overtime, I have accumulated many notes on techniques and music sheets. But due to lack of practice, I realise I can't even remember the scales, chords and techniques such as 1-3-5, etc.

I am thinking of taking out my beginner notes and start practicing on my own all over again. I do not have plan to engage any teacher at the moment cos I don't think I can catch up on the weekly lesson.

So, what is the most important step to begin keyboard training again ?

Thank you. :-D

I have replied to u previously on the topic on u learn jazz beginner keyboard one year ago then u sudden disappear. I just want to tell u that it takes commitment to learn an instrument. Seriously the most important step is to start asking yrself " Are u willing to be practicing regularly everyday to master yr basic on yr keyboard for the love of playing music?"

If u cannot even answer such a simple question, it would be a waste of time. Sometimes I had to struggle too but in the end, I stayed on to really learn my basic chords in pop keyboard and just started my beginning jazz keyboard with my new music coach. It takes a lot of hard work but I am enjoying the process.

Thank you for the replies :)

I have gone through Grade 4 classical training and been to a few prominent music schools to learn chords progressions and rhythms.

So overtime, I have accumulated many notes on techniques and music sheets. But due to lack of practice, I realise I can't even remember the scales, chords and techniques such as 1-3-5, etc.

I am thinking of taking out my beginner notes and start practicing on my own all over again. I do not have plan to engage any teacher at the moment cos I don't think I can catch up on the weekly lesson.

So, what is the most important step to begin keyboard training again ?

Thank you. :-D
Practice wise, must start up slowly. It is not helpful, if you play in mess at targeted tempo. Do it slowly. it is only way yourself start to pick up the skill. Slowly up tempo. Sometime you do it slow a couple of time, you could do it fast very soon.

Playing for other, it is best motivation to play and practice. Nothing beat sharing of music to other.It is what we as musician doing for.