Keep Fit, Stay Healthy, Sing better


New member
I have never believed in constant exercise... until my friend cajoled me into running with him. After a few weeks... noticed a slight improvement in my singing.
Later he told me it helped built stamina and most importantly, increased lung capacity.

I think it's one of the biggest factor in singing vocals.
Most important is what you want to believe it to be. The power of the mind on the matter, is way stronger than anyone would admit.

Being fit and healthy is very important, but more to a person upkeep point of view.

Same as the point where there are singers who do not see much sunlight, severely underweight. Yet, have a voice which is unbelievebablity strong and unwavering. undeniably it's natural talent, something which is still not explainable, by means of gene or science.

If you have it, you have it. If you don't you need to work a lot just to get it. Acceptance is the easy way out. We just need to keep a balance.

I just say, take it easy and identify & work on your strengths.
Absolutely agree. I believe that if you don't have it naturally, if you believe in yourself, hard work will get you there. All in the mind!

Hehe and all in the mind... would lead to finding ways to help yourself improve... and lead you to good exercise! Hehe ever wondered why many rock stars have nice bodies?
MackSonne said:
Hehe and all in the mind... would lead to finding ways to help yourself improve... and lead you to good exercise! Hehe ever wondered why many rock stars have nice bodies?

cuz they rock the hell out of themselves on stage. ;) haha,
yeah I agree. exercising is important.

I always play bbal before choir pracs if I can, cuz it just drops the tension. Your muscles strengthens and relaxes hence it becomes easier to hold posture and diaphragmatic strains. because you use breath to sing, singing is pretty much physical.

great mind plus great body = great singing, probably an great stage prescence too. :lol:

actually, sometimes singing results in fitness instead of the other way round. You find that if you sing as well as should, it's frikin tiring and you end up exercising.

btw, rmb to stretch alot before singing.

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