I just came across this thread although it's been posted for quite a while (only because I haven't logged on to soft in months).. Anyway I feel the need to say alot in response to this so I hope you could all bear with me..
Firstly, Kak Sage I never knew you're female.. Hehe.. The nick kinda misled me.. Then again, my nick has misled other soft peeps too.. But one thing's for sure, YOU are an inspiring character to me..
I'm a 20 year old girl who just loved to sing.. In everything I do, I always think about singing.. Before I sleep, when I wake up in the morning, during my showers and basically at any time..
I started singing casually back when I was 11, mostly because my cousins would sabo me to sing during weddings.. Haha.. Then I joined the talentime in school when I was in Sec 1.. That's when I realised I loved singing..
But like you, I've had people telling me I couldn't sing because they claimed my voice is too 'common'.. So I tried to get over singing..
Then I got inspired by Whoopi Goldberg's quote in Sister Act 2 where she said, "If you can think of nothing but singing, then you're a singer".. After that, I told myself I had to prove to people that I could sing but I still wasn't good then..
It was until I went for vocal classes with a very young trainer who had so much faith in me that I told myself I needed to have faith in my capability to sing.. I practised real hard everytime since then, trying the most difficult of songs and convincing myself that someday somehow, I could be as good as a professional singer..
I then got into bands where I sing the lead and slowly, I've had people nodding in approval of my singing.. Especially when one of those people who approved was my mum..
She's always been there for my gigs and even singing along to the songs I sing form the crowd..
Sadly, my stepdad hasn't been able to approve me of my singing yet.. He still thinks I'm not good enough..

I am still trying ever so hard to get his approval..
Anyways, as much as I've improved so much in singing, I still do have some problems which I feel is hindering my potential.. I think it's mainly because of my pitching problems and also the fact that people tagged me with other professional singers..
I mean it's good to hear people comment about how I sound like Gwen Stefani, Dolores O'riordan and Rihanna but I really want to be known as myself.. I want to be able to sing with a unique voice so that everytime someone hears my voice, they'll know it's me singing.. Do you think that'll ever be possible?
I sure would love some tips from you and other fellow singers of Soft.. Hope it's not too much to ask for and I sure hope I haven't bore anyone with this really long entry of mine..