Kai Feat Paul Danial ShredABlues!!

I think there are too many sensitive people here. It's ok to criticise as long as you've been like guitarcritic - precise, and for the most part, polite. I guess the only offensive part of his initial post, which got flamed, was that it highlighted perhaps the inadequacies of the track that the creators either believed weren't there or chose to ignore and hoped that other people would ignore it as well.
wow..im surprised a 2 min piece by a fellow guitarist could lead to such response... i just heard the piece courtesy of hadi... thought the in flames cover was quite ok.. but it could have been better... as it was not that interesting(i think mainly because it was too short???) heehee.. about the other track, i somehow prefer kai first solo then paul 2nd solo during the first listen(some noticeable yngwie licks there) but maybe its because the 1st solo was shred and remind me of malmsteen, friedman, becker school of solos...unlike paul which was a bit simpler.. however after repeated listening, my opinion change... think that the 2nd bluesy solo by paul was quite interesting. a cool bluesy solos and some nice licks there especially in the ending part... and im sure paul could shred if he had wanted to. i also like the guitar tone of paul 2nd solo better than kai 1st solo guitar tone(a bit trebly).. but overall, it was a nice piece by a fellow singapore guitarist.... hope no one gets offended by my views.. just my 2 cents worth.

P.s paul, what guitar were u using for the solo? the solo sound was thick man!!! :D :lol:
when younger musicians asked me for an opinion online, i would go to their websites (if available), take a little time to read abt them, their history, influences, get a feel of what they are trying to create. also, get to know the individual members, in that short time. listen to their stuff and give my honest thoughts. i also ensure that its proper, respectful and with tact. this is how i would go about it.

about my earlier post replying to comments that had a little substance, i for one believe this line applies, nobody is perfect.

@guitarcritic - as my earlier post states - i didnt write off ALL your comments as invalid, i did credit '3 lines of your comments' that 'in my opinion' are relevant (boleh pakai) to the jam. thats about it.

theres also the pm, private messaging, if u got any further discussion. :)
@Satrionic - it was my POT axe into a DS-1 Mike Mod (Mike of Standard Value music store) i ran it thru an AX1500, using the Classic 4x12 cab emulation to my M-Audio interface. yes, i like the POT -warpig + DS-1 response in this take too.
nobody is perfect, i've already said my peace. :)

edit - personal issues , use the pm feature. thank you.
Shredcow & guitarcritic dun get wrong... I respect Kai & Paul cos the least they did is they post some of their playing.
So lets wanna hear some stuff too from guitarcritic....be it bad or good. Maybe "Shut Up And Play Yer Guitar" sounds a bit harsh but no harm intended. My apology.

Guitarplayer aka Royhan? Firehouse dah kena bakar dah..hehehe

I think a lot of us here are expecting to hear your playing. Are you still having Technical Difficulties to setup to record to your computer and post it on the web? if you need help, we can help you. It's really quite simple, you don't need high-end gears to do that. :wink:

After reading all your posts (nothing but critics), I'm really looking forward to hear your playing. Unless, of course, you've got no time to record... :(
you've been working on it since 26 Dec 2006 (check what you posted). yes, i think you need help. i hope my suggestions will help.

What you need:

PC with soundcard and speakers/earphones, soundcard with "line in" and/or "mic in"
laptop with "line in" and/or "mic in", with speakers/earphones.

go to http://www.n-track.com/download.shtm to download a trial version of this multi-track recording software. you may need some time to learn the basics of it (if anyone have a simpler software to recommend, pls help guitarcritic).


if you have a microphone, place the mic near your amp.
attached your mic to the "mic in" of the soundcard/laptop.
adjust the "mic in" recording level (the mic is capturing the sound of the amp)
and the speaker volume level (what you hear from your computer).

[guitar]-->[amp]near[mic]-->["mic in" of the computer sound card/laptop]


if you have a guitar effects with a low output (e.g. Zoom G1)
plug the output of the effect directly to the "line in" of the soundcard/laptop.
adjust the "line in" recording level,
and the speaker volume level (what you hear from your computer).

[guitar]-->[effects]-->["line in" of the computer sound card/laptop]

use the software to record,
usually the raw format is a .wav file,
convert that into a .mp3
upload it to your favorite file sharing website
post the url link to the .mp3 file.

yah, that's about it. of course, if you still need help, just post your question here (maybe read up some existing thread first). not every musician is IT saavy. there're many SOFTies here who are sound-recording experts. i'm sure many will be glad to help.

just to add more.

if you have a mp3 player that can record, just place the mic point of the mp3 player very near your amp. do some balancing on the amp level. record with the mp3 player, use your computer/laptop to just copy out your recording.

i really hope all these help.

ah thats useful info :) btw i actually used to record with old audigy platinum device came with a software called playcenter it was a good package to record somethin u want. btw ill try yer method thnx again for th info :)
let's keep the posts relevent to the original thread content.

dont make me working harder by scanning each post/thread.
first of all, Paul... tu solo dasyhat lah. Long time never go down HoR...

secondly, I think the comments are fair. Whatever issues you have with him, that I cannot comment. But Kai do need to work on the tone. Too much shredding IMO. Btw, can hear Kotzen burn solo in there...

anyway, enjoyable piece and glad someone came out with something enjoyable...

Hey kai, I like your playing, your technicality is there for all to see, but i felt some parts of the shredding went on a little bit too long. \m/

Paul - I don't think I've heard a bad take from you ah! :twisted:
somehow i dont think guitar critic will let us hear his playing... well, to each his own...

no matter what, i applaud anyone who have the guts to post his playing for us at softies to hear and critic... hope i can do the same one fine day(long long time)... :lol:

Rock on!!!
umm why do u need guts to post your songs...

this is mentality i wont understand...
if you wanna improve...ask other ppl for their opinions and feedback...thats abt it :wink:
Despite all that's said, I enjoyed the track. And anything that I enjoy, I deem as good music. :wink: