you've been working on it since 26 Dec 2006 (check what you posted). yes, i think you need help. i hope my suggestions will help.
What you need:
PC with soundcard and speakers/earphones, soundcard with "line in" and/or "mic in"
laptop with "line in" and/or "mic in", with speakers/earphones.
go to to download a trial version of this multi-track recording software. you may need some time to learn the basics of it (if anyone have a simpler software to recommend, pls help guitarcritic).
if you have a microphone, place the mic near your amp.
attached your mic to the "mic in" of the soundcard/laptop.
adjust the "mic in" recording level (the mic is capturing the sound of the amp)
and the speaker volume level (what you hear from your computer).
[guitar]-->[amp]near[mic]-->["mic in" of the computer sound card/laptop]
if you have a guitar effects with a low output (e.g. Zoom G1)
plug the output of the effect directly to the "line in" of the soundcard/laptop.
adjust the "line in" recording level,
and the speaker volume level (what you hear from your computer).
[guitar]-->[effects]-->["line in" of the computer sound card/laptop]
use the software to record,
usually the raw format is a .wav file,
convert that into a .mp3
upload it to your favorite file sharing website
post the url link to the .mp3 file.
yah, that's about it. of course, if you still need help, just post your question here (maybe read up some existing thread first). not every musician is IT saavy. there're many SOFTies here who are sound-recording experts. i'm sure many will be glad to help.
just to add more.
if you have a mp3 player that can record, just place the mic point of the mp3 player very near your amp. do some balancing on the amp level. record with the mp3 player, use your computer/laptop to just copy out your recording.
i really hope all these help.