Kai Feat Paul Danial ShredABlues!!

umm why do u need guts to post your songs...

this is mentality i wont understand...
if you wanna improve...ask other ppl for their opinions and feedback...thats abt it

< its not that need guts.. its just that some people in soft here dont see the need to do that.... :wink:
I believe good comments are motivation to keep practice and improve. So thanks for the motivation, guys.

just to share with Softies, a foreign musician's take on my guitar solo. He resides in Irkurst, Russia. he knew it was a just a jam, but i told him to give me the lowdown on my guitar solo.

treating this was a serious record - here are the areas i would call to retake or change.
nice entry - there are notes out of time at 1.51-1.54 at 2.08-2.12
change or variation of licks at 2.15-2.18,
change again at 3.00-3.03 : instead of that legato. (he did suggest a str skip/tap arp thingy there)

on eq : roll off at 315-63 hz region - db low shelf cut. to make sure the guitar is not in the way of the drums and bass. an acute boost at the 3.15-4khz - to bring out a bit more snarl and bite.

i like this level of critic. its suggestive towards improvement, straight on without the 'slam' mentality. U have to know it, to bring it on. Maybe i expect too much.
Mr Paulo, I do respect you, and perhaps you would like to take this viewpoint into consideration.

While it is true that in SOFT's OM, the pieces of music do not get the kind of critique you have shown - many give senseless less-than-5-words-hi-fi kind of comments - it is also true that we don't know who expects what kind of critique.

I do recall a time when the OM in SOFT had some good commenting here and there. People spake, at least in more detail than now. Anyway, lets not look back on "past glories" and look onwards, work with what we have.

It is not easy to take the time to listen intently, listing down the timings and then slowly dissecting the piece - its actually tiring, you would know that too... Also the skill level must be there to get to that into that kind of detail-ing - not many qualify.

Now that we know your expectations, perhaps you wish to "start afresh"? Those who have tried to come in with good intent, they would now know what you prefer, and perhaps, they could try to adhere to that.

Finally, I do not mean to be rude but I have not seen that kind of critique on your part... not yet at least... and besides, the song has to warrent that kind of critique too right? It would truely be awesome if you could do so - the words from a seasoned muso would be weightier by virtue of your experience and skills!
With the requirement of critic like mr Paulo wants, and mr. Sqoob's suggestion, where the people who critic must also be able to produce the level of playing as the critics (what is it? another "if-you-can't-cook-chicken-rice, you-can't-say-my-chicken-rice-is-not-nice" thingie again?) I would suggest to James to close this whole OM section :lol:

This section will simply die.

Oh wait... I'm wrong. This section will be the pool of our self proclaimed local guitar heros to critique one another. Newbies like me, please stay away from this section and hang out at Kopitiam's section :lol:
@Daniel - respects all around, for the sake of encouraging improvement, ok.

@Impromptu, theres no stopping anybody here. if the intent is to help encourage improvement, that would be cool - wouldnt it. the community is small, just like the scene. the learning is never ending, irregardless of your age/experience.
i think what should happen is that we should allow whatever comments that come to come. Then from the pile of responses, i suppose you could pick and choose what you think you could learn from it, and acknowledge but not really take into account the rest, rather than respond in kind to immature comments. Not everyone can critique like that, i love it when people do, but not everyone can, but even in the unrefined there is great beauty and value, and it is from stones and soil that the most valuable gems and metals may be obtained.
There is no place for unrefined comments, be it in real life or the cyberworld. Especially when one posts comments that are detrimental to one or more persons.

What the OM needs is honest feedback. The issues I see here are that there are too many positive comments from groupies AND negative comments from warped out, know-nothing losers.

Both have to stop in order for the OM section to really show its worth. What worth is there to say that something bad is good? And what good is there to say that something good is bad?

All these nonsensical, useless vibes are useless in the long run. We are all learning and growing as musicians. Let's keep that in proper perspective. Uncalled for positive comments just breeds mediocrity. And unnecessasry negative comments just pisses good people from posting in the OM.

I truly appreciate both postive as well as negative comments but I mostly appreciate constructive comments. This is in line with my earlier comment that we are all learning to be better. And as such, both positive and negative comments will be helpful towards each of our own goal of becoming better musicians.

What really irks me is that there are truly useless, alpha-male wannabes who are built like eunuchs who come here to deliberately post uncalled for comments, both positive and negative.

My experience at other forums is to have moderator(s) in the OM. People who have no vested interest in their purvue and who are not part of the groupspeak that seems to abound here.

I hear poor to decent stuff being called great. Please! Let the truth be known. But be nice and sensible and try to strike a balance. That's what the OM needs and that's what Singapore music needs.

We've been numb-blocked into mediocrity for the past 20+ years. With respect to our neighbour countries, we are really worse off in terms of musicianship for the past 10+ years.

We just have to know how best to cultivate the talent here. Making uncalled for positive remarks doesn't help. Making uncalled for begative remarks doesn't help. Just be honest. But also be constructive. Be fruitful with your comments.

It takes a lot of time and effort to put something here in the OM. Not one of us here is on welfare that allows us to spend the time to create something that we would like to share to fellow Singaporeans - for their honest feedback, appreciation (if it is worth it), and acknowledgement. But most of all, we want to be able to improve and to do so, we really need truthful and honest feedback.

1) scrap the groupspeak (all is well) mentality
2) James has to do something to stop the alpha-male wannabes from destroying that which is beautiful, here at the OM

haha sorry when i said unrefined i meant that someone who doesn't have much knowledge tries to comment and maybe can't really hit the nail on the head. I didn't mean rude. You're right, rude comments should be kept in the bin.
haha, thanks for the alert. u mean the avatar pics thats suddenly not displaying in all softies profile. not just mine.

u better ask the moderator. pm him nick = soft