Just wondering if anybody wanna be my friend...

if progressive is easy, let's see some freakin grade 8 or dip music piano guy play like ruddess and scale like first note till last note, all 7 octaves in 2.5 seconds.... hell..
freakin grade 8 or dip music piano guy play like ruddess and scale like first note till last note, all 7 octaves in 2.5 seconds.... hell

eh..i think the way u put it is quite unfair to grade8/dip holders..rudess happens to be a prodigy and such people are like..how many out of a million?? i do know of grade 8 students who can play really well(for example, u hand them a piece and they really play it back to you almost immediately) .. in terms of technical security, expression, grade 8/diploma holders do have a certain standard....

And seriously, it's not easy to pass the diploma exam...to entertain the examiner for 40 minutes straight requires skill and lots of stamina..

some people can play very fast..but it doesn't mean they play well. speed is an indicator of mastery but there are many other indicators like phrasing/dynamics etc...
Meisharpe said:
mi friend oso...when i say j-rock heavy metal rox better, they say 'dun bluff lah, j-rock where got nice' so i say, ur problem, dun say i nv indroduce nice songs. so i purposely play cage(deg) giv em hear(full blast ah) the piano part, they started to say 'where got heavy metal? where got nice?' then the drumming part came in, they were like >.<( so loud!!!) then later O.O(not bad sia...) ha! deg not jus nice...it's super...got one guy in my level is trying to indroduce x-japan...me is trying to intro. deg...LOL :D

must told them, cage is yoshiki's music. sang by deg.
Its like that, like what the phrase in yoshiki.cjb.net says

xjapan, good for those know bad for those who dont.

some people find their hair disgusting, their dressing weird. my mats friend most of them dont like jap, they all with their punk-rock which really waste their talent. play metallica is alot mroe better then play punk-rock.

some people just cant accept jrock la, dont know why. even the song are nice they dont want to admit it. its like that ar, but gay song such like "the reason" they call it nice, which i think only take 1 and half day to compose.

im not biased, to show that im not, tell you i love avenged sevenfold, an american band. i foudn they are very very talented. they got skills and everything.
i noe cage isn't deg's but...it's under both...newayz...most of my classmayes just can't really accept j-rock...n they trying to make my like english stuff...they should just leave me alone...ppl have their likes and dislikes...
Haha..."The Reason" is a cool song. The emotions, and the vocals are amazing. The guitar/keyboard overlay is wonderfully mastered as well (listen carefully....)...so its a pretty harsh "bias" here.

People have their tastes lor...no point giving a hoot about them lah. Punk got its own energy...so does classical rock...metal...etc Its like the time when Alternative was considered sub-standard till Nirvana came about...(RIP Cobain!)

Personally, I think the Jap songs are quite melodious and they are pretty creative to fully integrate "pop-ness" into the edginess of Rock...its a clash of pop culture and rock rebellion.

Bottom line: Listen to what you want, Play what you like. No need to convince others, if they like it, they will listen to it themselves....vice versa too.
guitar_phreak said:
Its tough, there are so many bands, so many people, but ironically, sometimes hard to find people you know who share the same interests in music!!

Speak progressive, hard rock and alternative, and there goes half the female group. Speak emotional lyrics, controversial bands and there goes the christian/religious group...etc (I'm being stereotypical here)

FOr me, just enjoy the music, enjoy the art, learn many instruments and wait and see if the "band" opportunity comes along....if not, juz create your own opportunity and take the initiative and go recruit your own.

i personally disagree with you about the stereotype of christians etc.. i like christian metal though i find the term "unblack/white metal" very amusing.. christian black metal not really my thing although i like this white metal band called Vardoger.. Mortification and Crimson Moonlight is supposed to be good too though its hard to come by the CDs in Singapore.. I personally like the metallica style and how they carry themselves which is cooler than black metal snarling or nu metal screaming.. i wish to start a christian metal band sort of metallica-esque but of course, God-glorifying...
Ah well, religion is really NOT my cup of tea. And disagree or not, I DID say I was being "stereotypical" in case you missed the point.

Regardless, its cool as long as you enjoy the music you make.

[edited by soft]
Tell me about commitment. My band was formed like, 2 years back? Ok let's see how many times we've jammed together, thats 1,2,3,4 oh 5! Zzz.

Anyway Meisharpe, you have a friend here. Lol i listen and play almost all types of music. :wink:
p00n said:
guitar_phreak said:
Its tough, there are so many bands, so many people, but ironically, sometimes hard to find people you know who share the same interests in music!!

Speak progressive, hard rock and alternative, and there goes half the female group. Speak emotional lyrics, controversial bands and there goes the christian/religious group...etc (I'm being stereotypical here)

FOr me, just enjoy the music, enjoy the art, learn many instruments and wait and see if the "band" opportunity comes along....if not, juz create your own opportunity and take the initiative and go recruit your own.

i personally disagree with you about the stereotype of christians etc.. i like christian metal though i find the term "unblack/white metal" very amusing.. christian black metal not really my thing although i like this white metal band called Vardoger.. Mortification and Crimson Moonlight is supposed to be good too though its hard to come by the CDs in Singapore.. I personally like the metallica style and how they carry themselves which is cooler than black metal snarling or nu metal screaming.. i wish to start a christian metal band sort of metallica-esque but of course, God-glorifying...

What "White Metal"? What's that? I've been playing in churches for 6 years but this is the first time, I've ever heard a christian metal(And there's Christian BLACK Metal too?) p00n, any bands you recommend(Especially Those BLACK ONES?). Cos I'm kinda curious of what kind of music is Christian Metal.

I give you my support on starting the Band. But remember, the purpose of christian Band is not to make the Band itself famous and gain fortune but to Glorify HIS Name ... Halelluya

BTW, Meisharpe, I wanna be yer fren too :wink:
Err christian black metal is actually white metal or UNblack metal.. I personally find it very funny because they're trying to imitate men who mock the One whom they worship.. Check out http://www.metalforjesus.org, can find songs there.. I find that the bands not really up to standard although silent witness by Vardoger is a bit black metalish.. And you can search up the band Crimson Moonlight, Mortification, and Seventh Angel though Seventh Angel's tracks are like really rare.. And Mortification released quite a highly acclaimed album called 'Scrolls of Megilloth'.. Those more mainstream bands like Zao and Living Sacrifice.. I think wakemeupmusic brought in the latest Zao album.. I heard a track from an older album and found it not very impressive though..

PM me if you want to to talk more. I respect the freedom of speech and freedom of religion so i feel the remark by guitar_phreak was uncalled for and unnecessary.
Hey,ppl lets drop this religion thing...its abt music not religion..i once disagreed wit my bandmates abt the band name..i totally dislikes the idea or anything to do wit religions or politics.i'm in for the music.not hating certain sensitive issues.
jeifen said:
Haha..my class is better...they dun really listen to rock..most people are into..eh....Mandopop stars like 5566. And they tell me stuff like..oh some member of 5566 plays the guitar but he only knows the basics (me too, u know??*rolls eyes) or some other member plays the piano (but like how well?)

And I've had lots of ppl telling me Yoshiki looks like some Satanic dunno wad when I play X videos..(though they go wah! when Yoshiki starts on his crazy running notes on the piano)

My friend played Gackt's Vanilla live video in class once and some ppl got real disgusted..(no taste lar...)

I'm not much of a J-rock fan but I sympathize wtih you 8O
Hey,ppl lets drop this religion thing...its abt music not religion..i once disagreed wit my bandmates abt the band name..i totally dislikes the idea or anything to do wit religions or politics.i'm in for the music.not hating certain sensitive issues.

music is basically about self expression and playing music your way . freedom of speech and expression should be fine so as long as we dun attack other people or other groups. lets all have a lil respect and tolerance for everybody and everyone else. wun that make all kinds of music appropriate ?
VaiSteve said:
Tell me about commitment. My band was formed like, 2 years back? Ok let's see how many times we've jammed together, thats 1,2,3,4 oh 5! Zzz.

Anyway Meisharpe, you have a friend here. Lol i listen and play almost all types of music. :wink:

yes commitment is really a big problem. It really hard to pick a date for all the members to come down and jam, especially if they have girl friends to attend to.I'm really frustrated when everything is set, the studio booked, playlist fixed, and 1 member last min say cannot make it. That is why its better to keep the band minimally small, like 3 members.

and its really hard to find pple likes the same music. I been trying that for 1 yr already, but failed. In end i reluctantly decided to settle down with a punk band, with everyone from the same school and progress from there...
prove all those pple out there wrong n show them tt u can play. believe in urself. anyway theres to little girls out there playing gd guitar. time to change all tt. if u wanna take lessons wat is ur budget?

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