Just wondering if anybody wanna be my friend...

Yes, joining a band is time consuming. Its a commitment. You not only have to get the songs right, but in my band, we make sure that everything is tight, improvise on our techniques, foster good relationship and HAVE FUN!!!!
In a band, do u usually sing covers or do with ur own? I watched a performance in my school, the band is pretty good. In fact the members of the band had good grades and they kinda get respected in school for being able to jam well. Wonder if they perform in some pubs or wadeva. They r "midnight supper club" wonder if u people heard them jam before.
For me, i didnt realli had a band, bad luck no frz around like the music i like.
But i still enjoys playing alone.. in some case la..
Heehee.. actually by learning some squncening or arrangment and be a one man band haha..
AT least we still enjoy the base of all..MUSIC> :D
dude.. same here. All the pple in my sch plays either christian stuff or chinese stuff

playing alone sux , unless ur dave grohl
Its not about dave grohl saying that playing alone dont suck. He can play multiple instruments. The first foo fighter album started out as a solo project by him, he played the drum, guitar and bass on it all alone.

As for playing alone sux, that depend, if you wanna jam, then it really sucks, cos no interaction between the various instrumentS. But if you wanna write songs/music, all you need is yourself, the mind and all the software available or at most various hardwares(guitar/bass/drum machine/4 track recorder) to create your own stuff.
But if you wanna write songs/music, all you need is yourself, the mind and all the software available or at most various hardwares(guitar/bass/drum machine/4 track recorder) to create your own stuff.[/quote]

ive always prefered to write songs together wif a band tho, gets my juices runnin betta imo. my band is now defunct, juz jam and write songs alone at home, and the occasional sessionist comin over to reord some ideas. but sometimes when im alone, im juz to lazy heheh
instead id be doin somethin else on the pc (like surf soft.com and posting this)
bein in a band is about the caramaderie together, and stuffs like dat
juz my 2 cents
you shouldnt worry that you wont have enough time for guitar.its quite easy to find a band,and i think soft.com is a good place to start.time is not really what you should worry about,unless u're really busy..............
Meisharpe: I like DeG too. Kyo has pretty impressive vocals(though he doesn't really do slow songs). And they used to be produced by Yoshiki-sama..

Who's your favourite guitarist?? Kaoru/Die??
Well tt's a good start already. Nothing's hard if u keep ur heart to it. U'll find people of similar interests and get into a band eventually. Still lots of time to go... since you're only 14. You're never alone in this world. Too bad I already found two guitarists for my JRock band. Hmmm study hard. all the best.
Its tough, there are so many bands, so many people, but ironically, sometimes hard to find people you know who share the same interests in music!!

Speak progressive, hard rock and alternative, and there goes half the female group. Speak emotional lyrics, controversial bands and there goes the christian/religious group...etc (I'm being stereotypical here)

FOr me, just enjoy the music, enjoy the art, learn many instruments and wait and see if the "band" opportunity comes along....if not, juz create your own opportunity and take the initiative and go recruit your own.
jeifen said:
Meisharpe: I like DeG too. Kyo has pretty impressive vocals(though he doesn't really do slow songs). And they used to be produced by Yoshiki-sama..

Who's your favourite guitarist?? Kaoru/Die??

oooo...now that's a hard one...i like both kaoru and die ^_^ coolest...at first, kyo's voice is good~~...now i think nightmare's vocal, yomi is better...heard that nightmare is dir en grey's junior...really?
I think Kaoru looks better (that's not exactly a reason but :oops: )
I haven't heard of nightmare....do you have their songs?? If this yomi guy sounds better than Kyo i'd be really impressed :D
jeifen, u could either pm me ur e-mail addy or wadever...got msn messenger? if u wannna,we could xchange songs...got a no. of nightmare
yeah, i dont find myself click to my friend who hear punkrock .. and when i told them i hear to j-rock. they laugh.. wtf! very angry sia.. so i throw them rose of pain by xjapan .. and they was like "Wah... i think its impossible to play the scaling in this song .. it jsut too hard" .. lol.

Sometime i jsut purposely blast out ouka ranman by kaggra and shiroi matusui by kaggra or cage or yuremeki by deg and they was like " The bassline is lead guitar ar?" .. lol.

this the common thing for those people who never heard jrock before.
mi friend oso...when i say j-rock heavy metal rox better, they say 'dun bluff lah, j-rock where got nice' so i say, ur problem, dun say i nv indroduce nice songs. so i purposely play cage(deg) giv em hear(full blast ah) the piano part, they started to say 'where got heavy metal? where got nice?' then the drumming part came in, they were like >.<( so loud!!!) then later O.O(not bad sia...) ha! deg not jus nice...it's super...got one guy in my level is trying to indroduce x-japan...me is trying to intro. deg...LOL :D
replying back to the first page of this thread.. when repulse and whoever talking bout how smart they are.. I GOT FRIKKIN 30 POINTS! isnt that great? :lol: :lol:
Haha..my class is better...they dun really listen to rock..most people are into..eh....Mandopop stars like 5566. And they tell me stuff like..oh some member of 5566 plays the guitar but he only knows the basics (me too, u know??*rolls eyes) or some other member plays the piano (but like how well?)

And I've had lots of ppl telling me Yoshiki looks like some Satanic dunno wad when I play X videos..(though they go wah! when Yoshiki starts on his crazy running notes on the piano)

My friend played Gackt's Vanilla live video in class once and some ppl got real disgusted..(no taste lar...)
Haha...welcome to the underground scene.

Pop is called pop coz many people support it. J-rock is still much better here because there are a large following....compared to alternative and progressive scene.

It's like sometimes listening the the technical classical pieces and we would go "wtf?"

I have a music tutor who insists anything un-classical is simple/easy music.... eg. Hard Rock is pure noise and Jay Chow sucks....

Different music for different people..

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