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wildlife = zoo? hehe
Not really.. Not limited to the zoo.
wildlife = zoo? hehe
How much diff will it be in terms of price wise in your estimation?
These are my pics with SLR. Not the best but, enjoy anyway ^^.
Anyway, some moon shots. I love night photography.
Not sharp though.
@ Jonathan. I went to JC la. no time. and i got no money too! you buy me a film slr k. haha.
I like your moonshots. They look so detailed. What settings did you use?
I took mine with handheld.. Didnt had a tripod with me then. LOL. I should have underexposed it a bit.
I used Manual mode, shutter speed I think is 1.6seconds, f/14.0, 200mm, iso 100, my exposure comp is 0. (with tripod of course. LOL.)
Lol, No wonder lah... night photography must use tripod.. Lol.
To shoot the moon change the metering to spot metering rather than matrix. Point the focus area directly at the moon. You'll realise you actually don't need a tripod.It'll meter about 1/200
you're heading to JAPAN???????????????????
get me a X JAPAN TEE!!!!!!!!!