Japan Les Paul Appreciation thread


New member
Anyone love Japan Les Paul Copies (Orivlle, Tokai, Greco, Burny)?

I own an Greco Les Paul Custom (MIJ) and played a Tokai Standard (MIJ) and I found them so AWESOME TO PLAY..

They might be as good as GIBSON (I dare to say)

For about 1/3 of a gibson price and getting something with such an quality.. I can't find any reason to stop me for getting.. (There one reason, the headstock)

Anybody wan to share their time playing with Japan Les Paul?
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I've got a pretty killer Edwards LP130.

BODY (Top) Flame Maple (Back) Mahogany w/Ivory Binding
NECK Mahogany
FINGERBORAD Rosewood, 22frets w/ Ivory Binding
SCALE 24.75 inch (628mm)
NUT Bone (43mm)
INLAY Pearloid Dish
JOINT Set-neck
BRIDGE Old Type Tune-Matic & GOTOH GE101Z
PICKUPS (Front) Seymour Duncan ANTIQUITY
(Rear) Seymour Duncan ANTIQUITY

Here's some pics...

Headstock Shot:

Bone nut:

Sharp Inlays:

Top hump carve: This is a bit weird. It's not completely round like the USA Les Pauls or Modern Historics. It's a little angled, and looks a bit more triangular than I expected, but that's the standard shape for these models.

Bottom Horn: Also a bit sharper than modern Les Pauls. More common with 70s Norlin shapes.

Pretty aggressive top carve ala Historics or vintage top carves:

Aged Japan Gotoh Parts:

Here's an interesting pic. The body is actually thicker by 1mm compared to a USA Les Paul. Though on the pic the USA (bottom right) looks like the main cause is the optical illusion that the USA binding is thicker, which it is, but I did measure both of them using a calliper, and the Edwards is indeed thicker!

Here's the killer top! (which is sadly a veneer)

And the full body shot:
Awesome Edward.. But I dun like how your truss rod cover looks.. annoying me quite abit but the guitar look fantastic.. if there are most fans other there toward japan les paul.. we can have a little sharing at some studio(: haha.. How about sharing your playing with the edward?
He's simply stating a fact. But i do agree that referring to these as LPs, albeit without the 'Gibson' in front, is probably better for the sake of convenience.
With all due respect, if MLP doesn't give a damn, why should you?

ah... it's the pegging of righteousness according to the gospel of other truths. is MLP authority to address this reference? because they do it there, we give it a nod here?

but i'm not here to put inaccuracies to task, or insult rampant ignorance in that case, just being mindful & reflective of what we do or say- we are SOFT, we are not any other guitar forums, we can be different... if we want to. the term 'Les Paul' is now staple reference to single cutaway guitars. just like 'Floyd Rose' when one refers to a locking whammy bridge which might not be a Floyd Rose in the first place.

thank you loldude333 for seeing the way. have a good week ahead, everyone
What's wrong with Japan Les Paul.. They are still LES PAUL RIGHT? You will only understand when you played one..
they are NOT Les Pauls, if it's a Gibson (or Epiphone), then it's legitimately a Les Paul- that's what i'm driving at here. we refer to them as 'Les Paul' because they look like one. there's nothing wrong with them- i love them more than the American version. peace.
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Thread title should be changed to 'Japanese Made Single Cuts which look like Les Pauls but are not Gibsons Appreciation Thread'
What's wrong with Japan Les Paul.. They are still LES PAUL RIGHT? You will only understand when you played one..

i guess its more accurate to refer to them as les paul copies or les paul shaped but it doesnt make them les pauls. its more of a name thing, cos Gibson owns the right to the les paul name, just depends what u or MLP wants to call it. So tokai, burny or whatever brand dont 'make' les pauls (if u noticed, their website doesnt state a les paul shaped model as a les paul) Some are more particular about it while others are not.. chill people! :p

And im sure subversion has played more than a few les pauls in his life eh... and ive played quite a few before and im still a strat person.. just a preference thing, les pauls still make me go :cool:
^Thumbs up to the above post by wck. Let cooler heads prevail here. In any case, a name is simply a name. I seriously don't see the need for controversy. Refer to them as you will, what sub is pointing out is valid, he is not trying to force us all into calling non Gibson LPs which closely resemble them some foreign name. Do whatever pleases you, a forum is for free speech afterall, a place for all views and all thoughts to be aired. I don't understand why some people want to create trouble here. For those who came here not to add to the discussion, but to add to the controversy, shame on you. For those who want to flame me for saying this, go ahead. It just shows what you're here in this forum for.

As for my experience with Japanese-made LP copies (i shall be politically correct here, no matter how people may want to view me), i have to say i have been impressed with the build and sound quality in general and more specifically the default pickups, finishing and the resonance of each piece i've tried. With the exception of 1 Tokai which had probably been in the shop for decades, the other 5-7 pieces (can't remember exactly how many) left me with the same impression. If i were ever to get another guitar (probably after i get out of NS), it'd be an Edwards.
Les Pauls are great guitars, i'm not a fan of them but i have utmost respect for the model's heritage & the man who's responsible for its inception- Les Paul himself. maybe this is why i'm doing this- reminding everyone it's not a Les Paul unless it's a Les Paul.

i have nothing against the loose reference of any Les Paul-type guitars as long as there is an understanding those non-Les Pauls are copies at the end of the day. in fact, i sometimes have difficulties telling some people what singlecut guitars are until the term 'Les Paul' is conjured.

i own both Les Pauls & the copies. despite not being a fan, one simply can't get that signature Les Paul tone unless one deals with the real thing, that's my respect for this guitar. however the copies- the ones maintaining high production standards- are proving time & again to be a more desirable interpretation of the genuine article. in this light, the Edwards brand name is something i hold in high regards.
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I will rename this thread as Japan Les Paul Copy.. (: WORLD PEACE! *WHAT? Can't change the title?" damm it..
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I used to have a 1996 Orville ' Les Paul ' Custom. Featured Japanese made PAF pickups.
That stuff was really good for low to mid gain stuff.
Brings out the mellowness of the guitar along with its 50s fat neck and heavy unchamebered body, it was perfect for me.
Sadly had to sell it due to financial issues.

Yes it was comparable to a Gibson ( I know cause i own one )
and yes it was the guitar that made me stop being brand conscious.
Apparently some other Orville's I tried were rather inconsistent. Sounded neither here nor there, nothing special etc.
The one i owned was so amazing. When i put it up for sale the previous owner called me up to sell it back to him. Haha.
Wait wasn't Orville the old 'kid brand' of Gibson before they set up Epiphone? I do recall reading an article about this sometime back but i can't remember...........any LP gurus care to shed some light on this? Thanks!