JAE postings 2008/09- Where did you get posted to?

lol FTW! i was posted to RP biotechnology! :( haix. maybe i'll stay. but what a waste. 16 points i cant go to tp's applied sci courses.

hahah i was sent there last year too with 16 but appealed out hahah , GET THE HELL OUT OF THERE MAN !
is rp really that bad? cause i know there's the speculation that rp sucks. rp not recognized. but i see it its quite ok. anyway i don't plan to stop at rp. i plan to go local uni. and i tried to appealed for tp's biomed course.:(
RP is quite good uh.
just that its new so people would not know much about that school.
afterall its the diploma u aim for and than go for degree.
it does not make any different.trust me.
that school change my life!haha
i'm in RP going third year.
RP is good. not great, but good.
it is definitely a new school, so dont look down on it.
same goes for any other schools, companies, or whatever it is.